December 29, 2008

Still knitting...



_00140151Pattern: DEMI by Kim Hargreaves [Vintage Style: Rowan]
Materials: Wollies Vonda's Romny Aran in "Light Grey"
Amount:   Approx 800 yds/500g
Needles: US 8/5 mm and US 6/ 4 mm Addi Round
Size : XS

Start Date: October 8, 2008
Finish Date: December 19 2008



_0014020Pattern: AIMEE by Kim Hargreaves [ Thrown Together ]
Materials: Rowan Kidsilk Aura
 in "Quary Tile"
Amount:   Approx 350 yds/105g
Needles: US 8/5 mm and US 6/ 4 mm Addi Round
Size : S

Start Date: December 20, 2008
Finish Date: December 27 2008  (Quick!)


Montego Bay Scarf


_0014029Pattern: Montego Bay Scarf by Amy R. Singer [ ThroughRavelry ]*
Materials: Noro Silk Garden Lite
 in #107 (Brown~Lilic~Orchid) and #1251 (Cherry Pink~Red~Grey)
Amount:   Approx 310 yds/80g
Needles: US 8/5 mm Addi Round 

Start Date: October 26, 2008
Finish Date: December 29, 2008

*You have to be a member of Ravelry to view the page




The Tales of Beedle the Bard

Harry Potterの著者、J.K Rowlingの新作。Harryと同じ世界で展開する、魔法使いの子供たちが読むおとぎ話という設定です。もうHarry Potterの続きは書かないと著者が言っており今後Harryの世界の登場人物には会えなくなることを考えると、貴重な一冊だといえます。

魔法の世界に伝わる「グリム童話」みたいな「Beedle the Bard童話」を、オリジナルの言語(ルーン語)から英語に翻訳したのはハーマイオニーで、書斎で発見されたダンブルドアの解説付き(さらに著者の脚注付き)という不思議な設定。童話はどれも本当らしく、そして変な内容です。子供の頃に相当な量の童話を読みましたが、童話ってちょっと不自然で残酷なものが多いですよね?この本の童話もその変さ加減が本物らしくて、創作っぽくないです。そして、ダンブルドアの解説がこれまた笑えます。全然関係ない話に脱線したり。

最後の1つ、The Tale of the Three BrothersはHarry Potterの重要な局面で出てくるお話。これを読んでやっと話が繋がった気がしました。と、ふと考えてみると、Rowlingは本編を書く際に少しだけ触れられている寓話の内容まで考えているんですね。脱帽っていうか、本当に凄いです。「この魔法をつかって200年前にこういう失敗をした人がいる」みたいなディテールまで練ってある、そんなどうでもいい無駄話が物語を膨らませているんだな。


December 24, 2008


Before he left for Christmas, my boss told me how people get depressed towards the end of the year and the suicide rates climb up.  It was only last Thursday that I laughed at the story.  Now I completely sympathize with it.

Come to think of it, I never really spent both Christmas days alone.  There were always family, boyfriends, friends, colleagues or classmates.  This year, living away from family (and cannot see them because it's a normal weekday), no boyfriend, no colleagues (they are all gone for holidays), no friend to see, it's really the loneliest Christmas I ever had.  I feel like I need to watch like 10 Christmas movies straight.  Plus some Christmas episodes of my favorite TV series perhaps.

It feels, never in the recent history that we all need a warm Christmas wishes, good Christmas movie, some carols, maybe a Christmas miracle or two, more than this winter.  Everyone is horrified of what's going to happen, and even when we try to smile, the smile is not completely free of somberness.  We desire peace.

Then, come to think of it, we have probably been very fortunate for the past several dozen years.  Perhaps this is how people used to feel every winter, when there were fear of war and famine creeping up on every corner.  This is probably why we have Christmas every year, sing carols, and holds the eternal longings for a warm fireplace surrounded with family.  And those churches, stained glasses, paintings, and statues that now fill the museums for paid visits.  All for wishing peaceful future, especially in the coming new years.  Some needlework and tapestries to take ones mind away from troubles lie ahead.

We are probably not that fortunate this winter, but I wish you all very warm and peaceful holidays.

I will cuddle up with my knitting and a cup of hot chocolate, and watch "What a wonderful life."

December 16, 2008

The Beatles

I listen to their music ever so often, and I always struck by the music's ingenuity... Today's songs were I'll be Back and Oh Darling!  Glad that I was born in the world after the Beatles.

There was a Beatles band that used to play at the Cavern Club in Roppongi, called Silver Beats, my so huge favorite.  I am still heartbroken that the band had broken up just this past August.  The "John" really looked like John Lennon and/but really handsome, but I suspect he was the reason of their breakup.  He was so popular that he probably mistook himself as the center of everything.  Of course I was his fan, but I wanted to see the BAND rather than himself alone.  I am still thinking if I want to go back to Cavern again... I think I will, but not too sure right now.

December 08, 2008




ね? Beaverslide Dry Goodsというネットの毛糸屋さんで、モンタナで羊を飼って毛糸を作っているらしいです。それぞれの色にはモンタナの湖や森や植物の名前がついています。

これは、Lake Josephine。






December 07, 2008


Piano Party今日はピアノのクリスマス会でした。以前から誘っていただいていて楽しそうだったし、行ってきました。






I have been cooking more these days, partly because I bought a new cooking pot. But somehow, I suddenly realized I don't mind spending some extra time for preparing food. Believe me, I can cook. I just usually don't. Why people wear a  surprising look when I say this??

So finally, I bought a french cooking pot - Staub. I just LOVE how it looks, and how it transformed my tiny kitchen into what looks more professional :) Here is the first dinner I cooked 2 weeks ago, mustard flavor mutton, "agnello alla senape" according to the book.
It's 20 cm in diameter, a bit small, but come to think of it, my kitchen is smaller than my sofa.
Dinner2 Dinner1








Mustard Speaking of mustard, I bought a big jar of mustard at a neighborhood supermarket, a mustard called Pommery.  You sometimes see this mustard at french bistros, and I had so curious so I just had to try it.  It's sealed with bee's wax.  I had no idea how to open it, it took me about half an hour before I finally smelled the fragrant vinegar from inside.  OK, it was totally worth it.  Eaten with leftover Pot au Feu, it tasted superb.
Grilled ChickenThis is my dinner tonight. Bon apetite!

December 05, 2008



December 04, 2008

Jane Austin Book Club

「ジェーン・オースティンの小説を読んだことがない人も楽しめる」というコメントがある一方、小説の話ばかりでつまらないという人も。。。「高慢と偏見」、それから「Sense and Sensibility」は読んだかな。でも私は本を読んでなくても映画は楽しめると思います。
彼女の作品は6つあります。もともと親友であったり街中で偶然知り合ったりした男女6人が、オースティン作品を読むBook Clubをはじめようと意気投合。それぞれ1作品ずつ担当して、自宅で読書会を開くという内容の映画です。それぞれ担当した作品と実生活がオーバーラップして、本を読むことで自分の生活を見つめなおし、次第に糸口を見つけていくようなストーリーになっています。そのあたりが非常によくできているし、スクリプトも練られていて、キャラクターに共感できるところも多かった。なかなか佳作でした。

November 26, 2008


P&G式 世界が欲しがる人材の育て方―日本人初のヴァイスプレジデ ントはこうして生まれた

Brunelleschi's Dome: How a Renaissance Genius Reinvented Architecture


美学vs.実利 「チーム久夛良木」対任天堂の総力戦15年史

November 24, 2008

Something that I had forgotten...

There was a college alumni party on Saturday.  I really would not have gone unless my friends asked me to.

Somehow, I'd never really gotten in touch with those people I was close with during the early days of my college.  I knew most of the girls of my year, and I used to party with my classmates all the time.  None of those survived after graduation.  The only people I still keep in touch are my research group colleagues.

In other words, I really had forgotten how it was to be a fresh and uncertain college girl, amongst the majority of intimidating male students.  My college was still pretty much "male dominant" world.  I was reminded of this fact everytime I went to the bathrooms, which obviously had been converted from guys bathroom, small and uncomfortable.  Girls you saw on campus were 40% from other colleges, and still there were not enough girls to change the atmosphere.

Professors were not that demanding, and students were distracted by so many things going on in their lives.  Those people like me who did not belong to any sport teams, we all felt a bit marginalized and felt being minorities, until we started dating one of "them".

All these, I had totally, completely forgotten.  Hahaha.

You can perhaps get a sense of it from the photo.  It was ear-hurtingly loud.  And me being at the very back of the crowd, not really interested in what was going on.  See?

[caption id="attachment_254" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="You see there are cheer leaders on the stage..."]You see there are cheer leaders on the stage...[/caption]


The party was fun.  I was able to re-connect many many girls I used to be close with.  Guys - they've  either changed, or I just didn't know them in the first place.  I may get some photos later on, because one of my friends were taking photos pretty heavily around me :)

My new pal

The new sofa arrived just around noon. My old sofa was with me for more than 3 years, perhaps around 4 years, and so it still feels awkward to have someone (some sofa) else in my room. But I have to tell ya, it already has a very comfortable and satisfying look, sitting in the middle of the tiny room, occupying about 1/5 of the space. Yes, he is my new pal.

[caption id="attachment_250" align="alignnone" width="205" caption="My new sofa - IKEA Sater"]My new sofa - IKEA Sater[/caption]

November 21, 2008

Next Year, Baby

It's been a while since the last post. And we are approaching the end of the year.

Now that I can write blog from office, I have been a bit busy these days, with a productive and rewarding project going on in Korea. It feels like I am finally "getting it" and it really excites me.

Apart from my work, I am also pretty occupied these days. For example, I bought a new sofa at IKEA for the pre-opening of their new store in Shin Misato.
My sister works there and she invited me. I've found a decent but good looking leather sofa at amazingly low price. All these months I had set my mind to buy one of the fabric sofas - I instantly discarded the idea because the seat depth is not what I was expected (too shallow). I did not want to spend a whole lot of money on something I know I am going to use for a year. But then this leather sofa was perfect. She told me it is a "breath taking item" at IKEA - because it is so low priced. Hahaha. Usually people would think it "breath takingly good looking", not "cheap"... it is so IKEA.
It's arriving this Sunday and I am so looking forward to it.

It's time for a year-end wrap-up. Especially for someone who works for a company that starts their fiscal year from December every year. We just had our year-end team dinner with female colleagues (fun girls night out!).
I found in my schedule diary a note I wrote at the beginning of 2008. It is a sort of a "new year's resolution". Amazingly, I completed about 70% of them... of course, those 70% was like "to travel twice" and "practice Piano", and the remaining 30% was like "take French language exam"... which I totally ignored.. :P
Next year, I really mean to study Chinese. And French, of course. But other than that, my agenda for next year will be pretty much people focused. I think.
And, like my favorite song from Jamie Cullum (Next Year, Baby), I will "spend less money on shoes"...

November 07, 2008

Red Cliff



カンフー映画好きだという時点で大分変な目で見られている私ですが、女性が三国志好きってそんなに変かな?わたしはかなりの中国史好きです。歴史も好きだし、子供のころ読んだ三国志 、水滸伝、西遊記などに未だにワクワクします。読んだのは実は岩波の子供向け文庫版(これ

恥ずかしながら、友人に言われるまでRed Cliffが赤壁だとは気が付かなかった~。Cliffって崖って単純に覚えていたせいもあるし、Cliffっていったら切り立った崖を上から足が竦みそうになって見下ろしているイメージじゃないですか(・・・私の英語学習はそうやって、すべてイメージで成り立ってるみたい)。確かに下から見上げたら壁だった。。。

映画の出来は大満足。流石John Woo監督。戦闘シーンのアクションがすさまじい。キャストも抜群だし、映像も綺麗だし。



October 26, 2008

Just Moved!

Hi everyone!  I have just moved to Wordpress Blog from Jugem... really excited!!!! :) 

As you can see, I am still unpacking my past entry (they are still in boxes), and I haven't finished the more recent entries.  Stay tuned, there will be more.

I started 2 new knitting projects today, and starting one more tomorrow.  Just wanted to try some other types of stitches.  I am knitting my sweater as well, but it seems it will take forever to complete.



August 03, 2008

Many things going on

Although I have not updated this blog for a while, it does not mean that I am not knitting.
Here is the one I've just finished last week.

Yarn: Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece (Cotton & Wool), Holly Green
Size: XS?
Needle: US 5 & crochet hook

I did follow the pattern for the most part.  Since I chose the thicker yarn after failing with fine silk alpaca, I knitted very tightly but still it was a little large and boxy.

1. I decreased 10 extra stitch evenly on the back after finishing the lace pattern, so that it will fit a little better on the back.
2. Instead of 96 stitches indicated, I picked up 86 around the sleeves (but I could have gone for 80 stitches).
3. I forgot to garter the front hem before binding off, so I just crocheted around the entire neckline, with picots.  I think this turned out much easier than picking up stitches with knitting needles, and also much prettier.

Overall, I am very happy with this sweater.  I am thinking of knitting another one with this pattern, slightly modified.

Central Park Hoodie
The other one is this.  I am knitting this sweater in the middle of this heat.
But it is a beautiful color of yarn. Hard to stop.
I meant to knit this hoodie in navy, but just fell in love with this orchid color at the yarn store.

Also, this is my first time knitting back and front together.  I am going to knit sleeves in rounds as well.

Let's see how it goes.

June 29, 2008

Twiggy Tunic

Twiggy Tunic
Originally uploaded by sparklink02

I have been very lazy updating blogs, but yes, I am knitting.
This weekend I went back to my parent's place, and finally got my twiggy tunic photographed with me in it. I specifically asked my mom to photograph only the tunic, but no such luck.
The sweater is very cozy and I love it. The only downside is that the yarn seems a little weak with friction.

June 26, 2008

Swift and Yarn Winder

Originally uploaded by sparklink02

You don't know how my excited I am with this picture... Yes, I finally bought a swift and a winder from a Japanese manufacturor. This is THE FIRST ball that I made with them. Look wonderful. And it (the ball) is huge.
My dream swift was something woody and antique, compared to what I actually bought, which is made with steel bones and plastics. But I've only been knitting for 3 months, I know.

June 18, 2008

Noro Striped Scarf

Originally uploaded by sparklink02

This is how it is like right now. Lots of black and pink, not exactly what I intended, but so far so good. I am buying more Noro yarn so that I can pick up my favorite parts...I know, I am cheating...

June 17, 2008

Candle Flame Shawl detail

Candle Flame Shawl detail
Originally uploaded by sparklink02

It is progressing. Going very smoothly.
I actually love this pattern, it is very clever and fun. I only wished that I was knitting this with thinner yarn...
It feels like I always regret or am unsatisfied with something about the projects.

At this moment I am distracted by Noro Striped Scarf, after receiving the purchased Noro yarn in my mailbox. It is giving me a huge headache right now. Noro silk garden yarn does not offer vibrant color scheme this season, and the yarns that I bought contains a lot of black black... I am avoiding the black part and it is very stressful. When you knit it, I recommend you get something more orange/yellow/ochre and blue than grey and black.

June 14, 2008

Cascade 220 Iris

Cascade 220 Iris
Originally uploaded by sparklink02

Hiya! This is a new yarn just arrived last night for my Candle Flame Shawl(this photo inspired me to knit it). I was eyeing yellow or orangish yarn to knit this pattern, but ended up buying purple yarn with dark blue touch. My winter jackets and coats are all in blue/black colors, so purple will go much better with them. Can't wait to get started!

Twiggy Tunic

Twiggy Tunic
Originally uploaded by sparklink02

You are currently viewing my Semi-completed Twiggy Tunic. First work that I am really satisfied and that is truly wearable. I stayed up till 3 am finishing sewing and taking very bad photos of me in it. You can see it finished following the link to my Flickr page ^ ^ I am asking my sister to take a very good picture with her brand new camera next week.

It is not so obvious but I made several crucial errors... such as dropping a stick in the very center panel. I noticed that there were only 68 stitches in the rib where there were supposed to be 69... too late. but I was able to hide it well. Also, for the neckline, I was supposed to "Wrap" before turning, but I did not read the instruction on how to wrap until after I completely finished it. Fortunately for me is that I switched to smaller needle so that the gap is not so obvious.

Although I love the yarn, I decided that I will never work with 4 strands together next time. It is time consuming, because you can easily loose one strand along the way. Weaving is also a pain with 4 strands. Next time I will just pick up heavier yarn.

All in all, it is a very satisfying work. The only modifications I made was that I added two more rows of ribbing on sleeves, and changed needles for knitting the ribs.

June 11, 2008

Hello and welcome

I've finally made it. My own knitting blog! My main blog started to look very cluttered after adding various topics, so I decided to have separate blogs per content. This will be much better for me to index past posts, as well as for people who kindly visit my blogs find what they are interested in. In the main blog, I mostly review films and books, and it seems people who are interested in my reviews on business books are not necessarily knitters... Also, I wanted to keep my knitting blog in English so that more people can read, not that I am confident to make it good reading.

So, welcom. It is going to be a bit slow in the beginning, because I am pretty much starting to learn how to knit, but I will continue to add contents as I go. I also love paper cutting and drawing, I may post something here.