This is truly a wonderful book, if you have slightest interest in yarn or spinning. It teaches you how to mix colors to create those one-of-the-kind yarn. It is interesting that fiber is like paints, if you mix various colors too much, it just becomes muddy brown. Anyway, I know none of you are interested. Sorry!
The famous book by the physicist Richard Feynman. I read it when I was 13 or 14, and largely influenced by it. I borrowed all the physics books from the school library and, I confess now, never returned them. Those books were in the library for at least several years, and no one before me ever opened them, and looked absolutely brand new.
Anyway, I know this book is very good, and could not resist buying it during my lunchtime stroll. It's been so long, so I am sure I will enjoy it.
For some of you who do are not familiar with this book, it's published under the name "ご冗談でしょう、ファインマンさん" and it's his essays about his studies and life. He was in a team to develop the first nuclear weapon during the WWII. Great sense of humor.
OK, I was hoping to finish this before watching the movie, but I don't know. Heard that Angels&Demons is more interesting than the Da Vinci Code.
I think I bought this book before, and then sold it without reading... Reading, definitely, this time.
I have been reading several novels these days, a kind that I would not recommend to anyone. Those are light historical mysteries, the kind which you can write in modern setting and achieve the same results. But they are good mysteries nevertheless, and I also learn very insignificant historical details like how the british society functioned in the 19th century.
May 31, 2009
Spinning Wheel
Arrived on Friday night. My newest room mate. The box was so huge, and I am sure the delivery guy looked smug and suppressing a laugh.
I chose the most basic type, a spinning wheel called Traditional made by Ashford in New Zealand. At first I was planning to buy one that is narrower and takes less space, but when I tried it I didn't like it that much. It's unfinished wood so I am going to have to finish the surface with oil, but it's ok, for I did not like the lacquered wood either.
The bottom photo is the first skein I made with this wheel!
I chose the most basic type, a spinning wheel called Traditional made by Ashford in New Zealand. At first I was planning to buy one that is narrower and takes less space, but when I tried it I didn't like it that much. It's unfinished wood so I am going to have to finish the surface with oil, but it's ok, for I did not like the lacquered wood either.
The bottom photo is the first skein I made with this wheel!
May 27, 2009
Sense of belongings
There are a kind of people who always feel that they don't belong to where they are. Always feel that they are outsiders, feel themselves awkward, and do not have a clue how to fit in.
I am one of those people.
Schools, work, I never really felt myself being in the right place. Perhaps the only time I felt close-to-right was when I was in High School and in Davis. Elementary school - I was sick and weak. Middle school - I transferred schools and disregarded rules. College - I was sick again, besides I was very disappointed by the quality of education, and by how the real-world was forming. Graduate school - I was shocked that people are so authoritative and aristocratic. Went on, and on.
Perhaps, everyone feels the same. Except for those athletic people who seem to be amazing at working in hierarchy.
These days, I feel like I'd lost many friends over to their marriages. I hardly have common topics to talk about. We no longer talk about our aspirations, anxieties, dreams, fear nor what we are passionate about. I feel myself very immature and stupid to want to talk about those things.
Yet, here, I feel myself so outlandish and needing a sense of belongings. I just can't figure out why.
I am one of those people.
Schools, work, I never really felt myself being in the right place. Perhaps the only time I felt close-to-right was when I was in High School and in Davis. Elementary school - I was sick and weak. Middle school - I transferred schools and disregarded rules. College - I was sick again, besides I was very disappointed by the quality of education, and by how the real-world was forming. Graduate school - I was shocked that people are so authoritative and aristocratic. Went on, and on.
Perhaps, everyone feels the same. Except for those athletic people who seem to be amazing at working in hierarchy.
These days, I feel like I'd lost many friends over to their marriages. I hardly have common topics to talk about. We no longer talk about our aspirations, anxieties, dreams, fear nor what we are passionate about. I feel myself very immature and stupid to want to talk about those things.
Yet, here, I feel myself so outlandish and needing a sense of belongings. I just can't figure out why.
May 26, 2009
I hate
I hate people with mood swings. I am like that sometimes, I admit, but I try very hard not to be like that.
I hate macaroons they sell at Tullys or Starbucks. Those macaroons taste so bad, and for some years I never thought about eating any kinds of macaroons again. I hate such lousy work, they should not have sold them in the first place.
I hate those tiled buildings that look new but kind of fake. Those tiles are very untasteful.
I hate working in buildings where you cannot open windows. It makes you sad on sunny nice days.
I hate those dusts that pile up on your balcony. It's not sand or soil, but it's exhausts from automobile - oily and dirty.
Many things I hate,
yet, there are so many more things that I absolutely love.
I hate macaroons they sell at Tullys or Starbucks. Those macaroons taste so bad, and for some years I never thought about eating any kinds of macaroons again. I hate such lousy work, they should not have sold them in the first place.
I hate those tiled buildings that look new but kind of fake. Those tiles are very untasteful.
I hate working in buildings where you cannot open windows. It makes you sad on sunny nice days.
I hate those dusts that pile up on your balcony. It's not sand or soil, but it's exhausts from automobile - oily and dirty.
Many things I hate,
yet, there are so many more things that I absolutely love.
A lot of pedaling
I finally accepted myself of taking a time off from my French study and playing piano. OK, piano, I am still playing, but rather sporadically.
What I have been doing or thinking about doing now is actually spinning.
棒をより良く回転させるために円盤のようなものを取り付けた(駒のような)スピンドルという道具は、9000年以上前から少しずつ改良されながら使われてきたそうです(Wikipediaによると最初の糸が見つかったのは2万年ほど前で、棒より以前は石が使われていたらしい)。紡ぎ車はおそらくもっと最近で、でも13世紀には中東や中国やヨーロッパで絵などに描かれています。紡ぎ車もspinning wheelといい、車を回転させることでよじれを糸に伝える点は同じ。
ちなみに、産業革命時代の大発明はもちろん蒸気機関ですが、同時期に発明されたのがSpinning Jennyとうい機械(というか器械)で、これは1つのホイールで複数の糸がよじれる比較的単純なものです。これが繊維産業の大発展をもたらしたのだから、すごいものです。それまで600年(か、それ以上)使われてきた道具が一人のアイデアで突然生産性が何倍にもなって、世界中の産業に影響を与えるんだ。農業もそうですが、そいうった突然変異的な産業の発展が歴史に与える影響を考えると、非常に興味深く思います。
A Lot of Paddlingっていうのは何かというと、ひとつは紡ぎ車を回すのに足でペダルを沢山漕ぐからですね。もうひとつは。。。自転車を買おうかな、と。最近あまりにも気候がいいので、気分はサイクリング!今日もほんとうは会社をサボってどこかに出かけたい気分です。
What I have been doing or thinking about doing now is actually spinning.
棒をより良く回転させるために円盤のようなものを取り付けた(駒のような)スピンドルという道具は、9000年以上前から少しずつ改良されながら使われてきたそうです(Wikipediaによると最初の糸が見つかったのは2万年ほど前で、棒より以前は石が使われていたらしい)。紡ぎ車はおそらくもっと最近で、でも13世紀には中東や中国やヨーロッパで絵などに描かれています。紡ぎ車もspinning wheelといい、車を回転させることでよじれを糸に伝える点は同じ。
ちなみに、産業革命時代の大発明はもちろん蒸気機関ですが、同時期に発明されたのがSpinning Jennyとうい機械(というか器械)で、これは1つのホイールで複数の糸がよじれる比較的単純なものです。これが繊維産業の大発展をもたらしたのだから、すごいものです。それまで600年(か、それ以上)使われてきた道具が一人のアイデアで突然生産性が何倍にもなって、世界中の産業に影響を与えるんだ。農業もそうですが、そいうった突然変異的な産業の発展が歴史に与える影響を考えると、非常に興味深く思います。
A Lot of Paddlingっていうのは何かというと、ひとつは紡ぎ車を回すのに足でペダルを沢山漕ぐからですね。もうひとつは。。。自転車を買おうかな、と。最近あまりにも気候がいいので、気分はサイクリング!今日もほんとうは会社をサボってどこかに出かけたい気分です。
May 17, 2009
日本にずうっといると閉塞感で気が滅入ってくるのかもしれません。I really need a vacation.
May 10, 2009
Some movies
モーガン・フリーマンが 主役っぽい役で出演するオムニバス形式のラブストーリーです。でも他のことをやりながら観ていたせいか、イマイチ話の目的が掴めないっていうか、よく分からない映画でした。いい俳優が何人も出ているので、もしかしたら真剣に観ていれば脚本がよかったのかも。。。
モーガン・フリーマンが 主役っぽい役で出演するオムニバス形式のラブストーリーです。でも他のことをやりながら観ていたせいか、イマイチ話の目的が掴めないっていうか、よく分からない映画でした。いい俳優が何人も出ているので、もしかしたら真剣に観ていれば脚本がよかったのかも。。。
Sock Hop
This is my Sunday accomplishment. I recently bought a few skeins of handspun yarn online, and because they were so beautiful, I could not resist to start a project as soon as possible. This is a photo of the yarn I am talking about:
Sock Hop yarn by Crown Mountain Yarn
So beautiful, aren't they?
I started my first sock project some time ago, but I guess I have chosen the wrong design because I am not making much of a progress with it. So this time, I decided to go for a very simple rib sock design, starting from toe. I used this pattern, and modified a bit as I went. It is so much fun!
So, now I can proudly say, "I can knit a sock!!!!"
I usually prefer semi-solid colorways, rather than mixed colors. But these days, I became attracted to handspun yarn more and more, and I guess my taste for yarn started to change.
Other projects currently underway:
(1) Featherweight Cardigan
This is going to be a light-weight simple cardigan for spring~autumn. Knitting with a very thin yarn (sock yarn, Dream in Color Smooshy in Happy Forest), it is going to take a loooooong time. I am already getting a bit tired of it...
(2) Green Gables cotton sweater
A short-sleeved cotton sweater in bright pink (Brown Sheep Yarn Cotton Fleece in Provincial Pink). The color is very pretty, and it's already half done. It's just this is another very plain knitting, and I am getting a bit tired...
Some FOs (Finished Objects):
Simple Textured Shawl
Yarn: Sundara Aran Silky Merino in Black over Violet, 2 Skeins (approx 400 yards)
Pattern: Simple Textured Shawl Recipe on Ravelry
Ishbel Shawl
Yarn: Sundara Fingering Silky Merino in Flaming Flamingo, Approx 330 yards
Pattern: Ishbel by Ysolda Teague
Last but not least, Henley Perfected sweater
Yarn: Beaverslide Dry Goods light sport weight Heather Rose
Pattern: Henley Perfected by Connie Chang
It took about 4 months to knit this sweater. I am so glad it is done!
May 05, 2009
Music that I am listening now...
Soundtrack from the Movie: Twilight
I admit that I bought this CD because of the movie, but quite honestly, this album is really good. None of the artists were familiar to me before (except Linkin Park), but they all sound great. A pleasant surprise.
In Rainbows - Radiohead
The first song, 15 step is addictive... I like Radiohead but I had not been listening to their music for so long. Somehow it came back to me.
John Legend
Last but not least, Mr. John Legend. No album in particular. It's just I listen to his live on the Internet radio the other day, and I was knocked out by his soulfulness. How talented he is! So I dug up his albums and the live DVD from my archive again.
Soundtrack from the Movie: Twilight
I admit that I bought this CD because of the movie, but quite honestly, this album is really good. None of the artists were familiar to me before (except Linkin Park), but they all sound great. A pleasant surprise.
In Rainbows - Radiohead
The first song, 15 step is addictive... I like Radiohead but I had not been listening to their music for so long. Somehow it came back to me.
John Legend
Last but not least, Mr. John Legend. No album in particular. It's just I listen to his live on the Internet radio the other day, and I was knocked out by his soulfulness. How talented he is! So I dug up his albums and the live DVD from my archive again.
期待通り面白かったです。さすがJohn Woo監督、アクションがスゴい迫力でした。俳優陣の顔ぶれもさることながら、監督の名前だけで見に行こうと思わせるほど、アクションシーンには独特の優雅さとインパクトがあります。Face/OffやBroken Arrowが有名ですが、もっと最近の作品もあるのかな。
連休中に見た中ではSeabiscuit が印象深かったです。Toby Mcguireのやせた姿が痛々しいものの、映画全体としてはとても良く出来ていて、長さを感じさせない構成でした。以前DVDを借りたことがあるのですが、その時は何故か途中で寝てしまって最後まで見れなかった。わたしは映画の途中で寝るということが殆どないので、これは非常に珍しいことなのです。今回見てみてとても面白かったので、前回見たときなんで寝ちゃったのかと不思議に思いました。
What if..?
What if I could never speak again?
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