April 22, 2012








Singapore Photos

Hej! I'd be keeping this post very simple and short. I'm back home and am swamped with work and laundry, so Singapore feels like an old memory...

Most of my photos were evening shots for obvious reason - I was working. But the above, I took it on our way to lunch. The building was just so pretty.

My colleagues gave us a tour around the China Town and through the Orchard street. The size of the shopping area... So shocking.

We had this amazing view of the seaport with ships and cranes and containers. I couldn't resist but take many photos day and night. I'm fascinated by cargo ships and the logistics business somehow.

This below shot is the airport roof. I remember I published this airport design in our magazine while I was still working as an editor. It's some kind of high-tech ventilation roof if my memory was correct, designed by SOM.

And - this is the only Mao lion I saw during the trip. I should go back to explore the city more!

April 16, 2012



April 13, 2012


Good evening from Singapore!
I wanted to blog all week but the past 2 weeks had been crazy - partly because I was trying hard to win this business trip. My boss made it happen at the very last moment, and here I am!
I really wanted to come here not just because it was the most logical thing to do, but also I have a good friend here and because I really needed to get away. Thought about going out, but I decided to stay in and go to a spa this evening. Spend some quiet moment and reflect myself on this blog.

I must have come to Singapore the best time of the year - its not hot, just a bit moist, and it's gorgeous outside. The slow & prolonged Singlish accent is soothing. The local language is unintelligible. Food and shopping looks quite promising. Can't wait to explore more.

The other reason for being busy is the Hunger Games. I'm into Book 3 now. The author kills more people than I remember in any other young adult books, except perhaps Harry Potter 7, although cruelty is inevitable part of the story. And the story is great.

In addition, I finished knitting the fuchsia cardigan, and I have been working out. Can you believe it? Me, working out. So, my new year's resolutions weren't that futile after all.

More from this tropic city, soon.

April 09, 2012

Deep breath. Let go.
Just let go of my anger and sorrow.
Don't waste my time thinking about the things I cannot control.

Smile. Happiness comes to me when I smile.

Don't let others make me an angry person. Don't let those who don't give a damn about me affect who I am.

I was in this state of mind when I left the office past 8 PM. I don't know why, I started to feel very restless and very frustrated. The fact that I have stayed put in one organization way too long, had suddenly hit me like a lightening. I want uncertainty. I miss possibilities. I seek achievements.

On my way home, I dropped by a wine bar just to change my mood. I knew there would be, but yes there were several people having drinks alone, and chatting away amicably. We spoke about episodes during traveling different countries, traveling in general, how you meet interesting people.

Travel. Meeting new people. Meeting lots of new people.

Think I am going to Italy in early summer. One week in Florence with friends.

Following the Sun

With my mom's birthday coming up, we decided to get together for a family gathering / hanami brunch. Lauderdale is a cafe restaurant by the sakura street on Roppongi Hills, one of my favorite brunch places, not because of the quality of their food (it's so-so) but because of the atmosphere. It's usually crowded, loud, and filled with good-natured air.

I brought my camera, and finally got several shots of sakura in the bright sun.

At Lauderdale, you sort of can eat breakfast all day long. Guess that's why I love the place so much. I ordered souffle with mushrooms and swiss cheese.

My niece has turned 2 just a few weeks ago. My sister asked me to choose her daughter books as birthday gifts for the rest of her life. I guess I should strategically list up the must-read books for a girl at each age. I've got tons in my mind, but you've got to read them at the right age. Timing is critical in choosing books for kids.

It's very strange that cherry blossoms are falling down not by a petal but as a flower. It seems that birds are collecting honey from the flowers and are kicking them off the trees. I am not kidding.

OK, I am going back to work now. Our office was way too cold for me this afternoon, I barely made it to 5PM so that I can sneak out and work in a near-by Starbucks.
More, later.

April 08, 2012

Spring Craze

This weekend I focused on recovering myself into full form - mentally and physically. I slept, caught up on my knitting, caught up on American Idol (watched up until top 9), read and walked around quite a bit. My apartment is back in order now.


Outside, it's the most beautiful week of the entire year - starting middle of last Wednesday. I know we see the scenery every single year, but we still go nuts about the flowers.

I took these photos in just 5 minutes walk from my place. How gorgeous.

Cherry blossom trees are everywhere, not just where they intentionally plant hundreds of them to attract people, but in someone's front yard and such.

Because we had such cold winter this year, cherry blossoms are about a week late. Other flowers are also very late, which means everything is blooming right now.

More stories, in the next few days.

April 05, 2012

Turtle and Hare





April 01, 2012

Sunday, a sweet home.

Before I forget, I am throwing another small home party on either May 5th or 19th.  Please email me if you can come!
I have to warn you that, like before, I only have 4 chairs still (3.5 to be more exact).  I may buy several stacking chairs, or we may sit on the floor... but the food will be good!

今日は久しぶりに一日家で過ごし、掃除をしたり宿題をやったり(下の糸紡ぎ)、仕事をしたり読書をしたり。本は、Hunger Gamesが佳境に入り、や、やめられない。これ、子供に読ませられないでしょ。いくらなんでも、残酷過ぎます。でも面白いんだな。
本繋がりで。昨日、ついmina perhonenの本を購入。中が余りにもステキなので。ちょっと紹介しましょうか。

Today was a stay-at-home-in-PJ day, cleaning up, tackling my homework, working a bit, reading, etc.  I am at the last part of the Hunger Games right now - totally hooked and hard to put down - and was amazed how brutal the story is for kids to read...
Speaking of books, a book by mina perhonen is a newest addition to my book collection.  It is just soooo pretty inside.

Like how they print their textiles...
... and these dresses in blues.


So, my homework.
I finished carding the indigo-dyed wool and started spinning with a spindle.  I only finished one skein, on to the next.

でも藍色だけでまだこんなにある〜。まだ茶色もあるのです。いつになったら終わるのやら。もうマフラーする 気候じゃなくなってきました。
Still have this much to go, plus a bunch of brown color wool too.  Gosh, when will I finish this?

ブロッキングワイヤーは、アメリカから怪しまれつつ持って帰ってきたものの中で特に良かったものと思っています(他にはDVDプレーヤーなど。どちらも飛行機で変な目で見られます。) 基本長い針金なので、ニッターさんのなかにはホームセンターで針金を買ってきた、なんて方もいるようですが、付いているピンも重要なんですよ。
I am also blocking the shawl on my bed.  It is drying now, and I am wondering (right this moment) if I can sleep on my bed tonight.


Saturday, in storm

amirisu had a petit strategy meeting on Saturday, despite the stormy weather.  We were lucky to have found both a photographer and a model (in fact, 2 models) together!  Both of them are exactly our type of people, with similar yet superior tastes, totally in line with our concept for the Fall Issue.
We are so excited!

Then my friend and I went out for a dinner at our favorite bistro, also in Roppongi area.  I hadn't been to this places for a few years either, but the place was fully booked and the food was as good as ever.

Yet, this is not a food blog, so I won't bother you with any more dinner photos!
My friend is a human resource development pro, and told me how there are different kinds of drivers to motivate people.  It made me re-define / rediscover my characteristics, help me see what types of jobs are really appealing to me... so interesting.  I also learned a few things about product development strategies, but that story has to wait for another chance to tell.