I wonder if this expression came from the Western culture or from China... it seems to me that "Silence is Gold" is most valued and appreciated in Japanese culture. We prefer silent men over talkative aggressive guys. Women should silently obey men, without shouting and/or throw things (not my value, just in case).
Anyway, that's not my point. I just wanted to make some excuse for my being away from the blog for a few weeks. I had been a bit sick while being in Korea, been busy with inputting than outputting, have been involved in family chain mails (will be explained later), and so on. But my fingers started to itch - so here I am!
March 31, 2010
March 18, 2010
Seoul in Snow
Just arrived at the hotel in Seoul. My friend emailed me during the day that the weather was fine and not too cold, but when I got out of the plane it was snowing and it will continue to snow until tomorrow.
This business trip was decided too suddenly that my agenda turned out to be all screwed up. There is no one in the office by now (past 9PM) so I've got to go in first thing tomorrow morning and start with re-scheduling...
I usually fly with ANA (All Nippon Airlines) but this time I was forced to fly with JAL, which is under the government supervision right now. I was truly surprised that the service and everything really felt like the company just got bankrupted. They only serves cold box lunch on an international flight, for example. JAL was said to offer one of the best service among airline companies, and they used to be like Toyota of airline business in Japan (by far #1 share). Not any more, it felt like flying with discount airlines. For a customer, whether the company is in bankruptcy or not does not matter. They should either discount big or improve services. I personally have never been a fan of JAL and I wouldn't mind if they really go out of business. ANA rocks!
Just arrived at the hotel in Seoul. My friend emailed me during the day that the weather was fine and not too cold, but when I got out of the plane it was snowing and it will continue to snow until tomorrow.
This business trip was decided too suddenly that my agenda turned out to be all screwed up. There is no one in the office by now (past 9PM) so I've got to go in first thing tomorrow morning and start with re-scheduling...
I usually fly with ANA (All Nippon Airlines) but this time I was forced to fly with JAL, which is under the government supervision right now. I was truly surprised that the service and everything really felt like the company just got bankrupted. They only serves cold box lunch on an international flight, for example. JAL was said to offer one of the best service among airline companies, and they used to be like Toyota of airline business in Japan (by far #1 share). Not any more, it felt like flying with discount airlines. For a customer, whether the company is in bankruptcy or not does not matter. They should either discount big or improve services. I personally have never been a fan of JAL and I wouldn't mind if they really go out of business. ANA rocks!
March 16, 2010
Going to Korea!
This is just a quick note that I will be visiting Korea this Wed night through Friday. They decided to send me suddenly on a very short notice, because I am more peaceful and friendly than my boss ;)
I won't have much time (for shopping, which is good, I can't spend more right now), but I will be catching up with my best friend there, so I am really excited!
I love visiting Korea. People are generally friendly (except some instants when I encounter people who hate Japanese) and foods excellent. And somehow, Korean guys look better to me than Japanese (of course, just generally speaking). But at the same time, there is something scary about Korean people (no offense!) which is mysterious and very interesting intellectually. For the rest of the world, Korean and Japanese would probably look very very similar, but I can tell you, there are no two countries which sit right next to each other and so so different. Perhaps Germany and France?
Which then reminds me that I need to get back to work for preparation...
I won't have much time (for shopping, which is good, I can't spend more right now), but I will be catching up with my best friend there, so I am really excited!
I love visiting Korea. People are generally friendly (except some instants when I encounter people who hate Japanese) and foods excellent. And somehow, Korean guys look better to me than Japanese (of course, just generally speaking). But at the same time, there is something scary about Korean people (no offense!) which is mysterious and very interesting intellectually. For the rest of the world, Korean and Japanese would probably look very very similar, but I can tell you, there are no two countries which sit right next to each other and so so different. Perhaps Germany and France?
Which then reminds me that I need to get back to work for preparation...
March 15, 2010
囲碁 その2
私はこれまで部下やスタッフがいて仕事をしたことがなかったので感じたことがなかったのですが、これじゃあ駄目なんですね。もちろん自分でやったほうが納得性が高いし成功する確率もあるのですが、所詮相手は先生。初めから勝てる訳がない試合で、少しでも自分の力をプルーブしようとパートナーやチームメンバーの考えを軽く扱うと、学ぶのも失敗するのも成功するのも自分だけ。チームメンバーがやる気を失って思考停止になってしまうと、いつまでたってもチームが一人分の力 から大きくなっていかない。自分と同等に考えてくれるパートナーを育てていかないと、いつまでも自分一人の力から二人分、三人分にならないんですね。二人の頭を寄せて考えれば、自分が見落とした手も見つかっていたかもしれないのに。ただ石を置くだけだったら、というか、単純な作業をするだけだったら、大学生のバイトでもできます。
昨日の対戦では、パートナーの失敗覚悟で ちゃんと彼女の意思に任せてあげられなかったことが、先生に負けたこと以上に(というか、勝てる訳がない)とても悔いが残りました。なんとなく帰りにやる気を失ってしまった様子だったので、申し訳なく思いました。
もちろん、自分の頭で考える習慣がない人には向いていないゲームかも知れません。対戦中は側から口を出しちゃいけないので、誰も助けてくれない。いつまでも「自分には分からない」と言っていたら、対戦相手に失礼です。周りの人が「こっちのほうがいい」と言っても、それに流されず自分の意見を持つことが大事。自分の意見が違ったら、とことん戦うことが大事(これは今の上司から学んだ)。 だけど、誰でも初めから自分の頭で考えることが出来るとは限らなくて、やっぱり周りの人がサポートして気づかせてあげないといけないんだなあ、と思ったのでした。
私はこれまで部下やスタッフがいて仕事をしたことがなかったので感じたことがなかったのですが、これじゃあ駄目なんですね。もちろん自分でやったほうが納得性が高いし成功する確率もあるのですが、所詮相手は先生。初めから勝てる訳がない試合で、少しでも自分の力をプルーブしようとパートナーやチームメンバーの考えを軽く扱うと、学ぶのも失敗するのも成功するのも自分だけ。チームメンバーがやる気を失って思考停止になってしまうと、いつまでたってもチームが一人分の力 から大きくなっていかない。自分と同等に考えてくれるパートナーを育てていかないと、いつまでも自分一人の力から二人分、三人分にならないんですね。二人の頭を寄せて考えれば、自分が見落とした手も見つかっていたかもしれないのに。ただ石を置くだけだったら、というか、単純な作業をするだけだったら、大学生のバイトでもできます。
昨日の対戦では、パートナーの失敗覚悟で ちゃんと彼女の意思に任せてあげられなかったことが、先生に負けたこと以上に(というか、勝てる訳がない)とても悔いが残りました。なんとなく帰りにやる気を失ってしまった様子だったので、申し訳なく思いました。
もちろん、自分の頭で考える習慣がない人には向いていないゲームかも知れません。対戦中は側から口を出しちゃいけないので、誰も助けてくれない。いつまでも「自分には分からない」と言っていたら、対戦相手に失礼です。周りの人が「こっちのほうがいい」と言っても、それに流されず自分の意見を持つことが大事。自分の意見が違ったら、とことん戦うことが大事(これは今の上司から学んだ)。 だけど、誰でも初めから自分の頭で考えることが出来るとは限らなくて、やっぱり周りの人がサポートして気づかせてあげないといけないんだなあ、と思ったのでした。
Cardigans and more knitting
I finished a couple of things during the past week and started even more.
The finished photo of the vest I was making before.
Marigold in Green - Raveled Here

I only used 2 skeins of sport merino yarn, and the result is incredible!
Diminishing Rib Cardigan - Raveled Here
Used 5.4 skeins of Madelinetosh Eyre (about 650 yards of worsted weight yarn) and followed the pattern for size XS as exactly as instructed (almost... I missed some parts, like somehow lost one stitch somewhere and had to add it back later).
It's a beautiful yarn, and I am very glad about the color/yarn/pattern combination.
I made a mistake when doing the Bind Off - I somehow screwed up and did purl BO for the knit stitches, & vice versa. But I don't hate the result so I decided to leave it there.
I am thinking about adding buttons for the front closure.

Lavender by Kim Hargreaves - Raveled Here
One of my most favorite patterns from the book Breeze. I wonder why not many people have knit it. We can hardly find any finished photo on Ravelry. The yarn I chose (Rowan Felted Tweed in silver grey) which is slightly thinner than the gauge, so I am knitting size S instead of XS. So far, I love the tweedy lace touch.
The bottom lace pattern was SOOOOOO HARD TO MEMORIZE! I tried to draw a chart but failed. I still don't get it after knitting it for 11 repeats.

Abalone - Cardigan/Gillet - Raveled Here
It seems gillet (vest) is in fashion this spring season.
I saw many people's FO (finished objects) and decided that it would look best if we choose the colors that matches with what you are going to wear underneath. If you wear grey or white, whitish colors go well, if you wear black, black or dark grey would be nice. I decided that I will wear either grey T-shirts or a white blouse, so I picked pale pale lilac.
It's pretty easy to knit, except, you don't understand what you are doing until you reach around the arms.
I still have to knit the arm and front edges.

Scroll Lace Scarf - Raveled Here
Another project is a small scarf for spring. A fellow Raveler had done a marvelous job with one skein of silk sport yarn, which inspired me to use up this left-over yarn. Hope I have enough yarn! The lace pattern is very easy to remember and interesting construction. Genius!

Citrus - Raveled Here
This is for my mom's birthday - I have a brooch from Etsy in matching color, and it looks so so lovely together. I cannot wait to give it to her. Just in case my mom may see it, I am not going to post a photo here.
The finished photo of the vest I was making before.
Marigold in Green - Raveled Here
I only used 2 skeins of sport merino yarn, and the result is incredible!
Diminishing Rib Cardigan - Raveled Here
Used 5.4 skeins of Madelinetosh Eyre (about 650 yards of worsted weight yarn) and followed the pattern for size XS as exactly as instructed (almost... I missed some parts, like somehow lost one stitch somewhere and had to add it back later).
It's a beautiful yarn, and I am very glad about the color/yarn/pattern combination.
I made a mistake when doing the Bind Off - I somehow screwed up and did purl BO for the knit stitches, & vice versa. But I don't hate the result so I decided to leave it there.
I am thinking about adding buttons for the front closure.
Lavender by Kim Hargreaves - Raveled Here
One of my most favorite patterns from the book Breeze. I wonder why not many people have knit it. We can hardly find any finished photo on Ravelry. The yarn I chose (Rowan Felted Tweed in silver grey) which is slightly thinner than the gauge, so I am knitting size S instead of XS. So far, I love the tweedy lace touch.
The bottom lace pattern was SOOOOOO HARD TO MEMORIZE! I tried to draw a chart but failed. I still don't get it after knitting it for 11 repeats.
Abalone - Cardigan/Gillet - Raveled Here
It seems gillet (vest) is in fashion this spring season.
I saw many people's FO (finished objects) and decided that it would look best if we choose the colors that matches with what you are going to wear underneath. If you wear grey or white, whitish colors go well, if you wear black, black or dark grey would be nice. I decided that I will wear either grey T-shirts or a white blouse, so I picked pale pale lilac.
It's pretty easy to knit, except, you don't understand what you are doing until you reach around the arms.
I still have to knit the arm and front edges.
Scroll Lace Scarf - Raveled Here
Another project is a small scarf for spring. A fellow Raveler had done a marvelous job with one skein of silk sport yarn, which inspired me to use up this left-over yarn. Hope I have enough yarn! The lace pattern is very easy to remember and interesting construction. Genius!
Citrus - Raveled Here
This is for my mom's birthday - I have a brooch from Etsy in matching color, and it looks so so lovely together. I cannot wait to give it to her. Just in case my mom may see it, I am not going to post a photo here.
March 04, 2010
Percy Jackson and the Valentines Day
I watched two films in the theaters over the weekend.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
I absolutely loved it! I went to watch it by myself on the theater opening day. .. didn't want anybody to spoil my excitement!
There were some moments that I wished the film makers had kept the original story, but otherwise the visualization was pretty awesome. I especially liked how Poseidon transforms himself from his god shape into his human shape. All the actors who played Olympian gods were gorgeous, I especially like Zeus and Poseidon!
Well, I have to admit that Pierce Brosnan looks a bit ridiculous in half-horse shape...
The Valentines' Day
Went with a close friend. We both loved it! It was a bit like the one and only "Love Actually", with a positive atmosphere and happy endings. Well, a bit more "American" and simple-minded than Love Actually. I think, if Ashton proposed, there is no girl on this planet who would say no. That part was so unrealistic. And the combination of the gay couple was a bit...well... you will agree with me if you watch it. A great chick movie, for 100% sure.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
I absolutely loved it! I went to watch it by myself on the theater opening day. .. didn't want anybody to spoil my excitement!
There were some moments that I wished the film makers had kept the original story, but otherwise the visualization was pretty awesome. I especially liked how Poseidon transforms himself from his god shape into his human shape. All the actors who played Olympian gods were gorgeous, I especially like Zeus and Poseidon!
Well, I have to admit that Pierce Brosnan looks a bit ridiculous in half-horse shape...
The Valentines' Day
Went with a close friend. We both loved it! It was a bit like the one and only "Love Actually", with a positive atmosphere and happy endings. Well, a bit more "American" and simple-minded than Love Actually. I think, if Ashton proposed, there is no girl on this planet who would say no. That part was so unrealistic. And the combination of the gay couple was a bit...well... you will agree with me if you watch it. A great chick movie, for 100% sure.
March 03, 2010
TV and Marketing
It's already past 1 AM but I don't seem to be able to sleep, so I am writing this blog. I apologize to all the English-speaking readers that I have not been able to write bilingual posts in the past week. I just did not feel up to it, besides, there are books that are only published in Japanese.
The other day I read an article on the TV media industry in one of the major Japanese business magazines, written by a close friend of mine. It's saying that in the past 20 years of constant one-way recession in Japan, Broadcasting companies have coped with decreasing ad revenue by cutting the production costs. And what happened? The proportion of variety programs increased by 50%, while drama and educational program decreased accordingly. (The production cost of variety programs are 40% less than high quality programs per GRP. ) As a result, viewership (GRP) decreased, sponsorship decreased, and more production cost cuts, lower quality programs - it's a vicious circle.
I heard in many places that in Japan the comedy programs and comedians are becoming more and more popular in recent years. I now realized that this is not because they are more popular, but because they are cheaper to hire.
As the quality of TV programs decreases, the people who watches those programs becomes a group of lower income, lower education people. It's almost ridiculous to advertise high-end automobiles on TV at prime time variety shows, for people watching those programs are either kids, old people, or low-income people (roughly speaking).
On the other hand, it may be a good news for a company like mine, where we sell financial products through direct marketing.
Nevertheless, I am more concerned about our society and our culture than the revenue of my company...
The other day I read an article on the TV media industry in one of the major Japanese business magazines, written by a close friend of mine. It's saying that in the past 20 years of constant one-way recession in Japan, Broadcasting companies have coped with decreasing ad revenue by cutting the production costs. And what happened? The proportion of variety programs increased by 50%, while drama and educational program decreased accordingly. (The production cost of variety programs are 40% less than high quality programs per GRP. ) As a result, viewership (GRP) decreased, sponsorship decreased, and more production cost cuts, lower quality programs - it's a vicious circle.
I heard in many places that in Japan the comedy programs and comedians are becoming more and more popular in recent years. I now realized that this is not because they are more popular, but because they are cheaper to hire.
As the quality of TV programs decreases, the people who watches those programs becomes a group of lower income, lower education people. It's almost ridiculous to advertise high-end automobiles on TV at prime time variety shows, for people watching those programs are either kids, old people, or low-income people (roughly speaking).
On the other hand, it may be a good news for a company like mine, where we sell financial products through direct marketing.
Nevertheless, I am more concerned about our society and our culture than the revenue of my company...
March 02, 2010
座右のゲーテ 斉藤孝
これも頂きました(笑) キリスト教会、もしかしたらバチカンからクレームが来るかもしれない解説振りが、大変面白うございます。
座右のゲーテ 斉藤孝
これも頂きました(笑) キリスト教会、もしかしたらバチカンからクレームが来るかもしれない解説振りが、大変面白うございます。
数週間前、会社の同僚の方がブログで「囲碁の会に行ってきました!」と書かれたのを読んだときには直ぐにはピンと来なかったのですが、楽しかった話を直接聞いたら急に興味が湧いてきました。それで、初心者にもプロの方が丁寧に教えてくれるというIgo Amigoという会のワークショップに参加してきました。
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