September 26, 2010

Onta Pottery Village 小鹿田焼

ここ数年、Lucy Leeの焼き物に出会ったり色々なところで焼き物を目にしたり、実際自分で陶芸をやってみたりという中で、やっぱり好きだなあと思うようになったところ。Lucyの作品にも、Bernard Leach 経由でその影響が色濃くでています。

There is a famous pottery village called "Onta" in my mother's home town.  My family visited there many times since my childhood, but I had never really understood the beauty of their products until these past few years, I used to think the style is too rustic.  It seems their style has also been adjusted to the market trend, less rustic, lighter and simpler.
I love Lucy Lee's potteries, and her work had also been largely influenced by Onta pottery, through her teacher Bernard Leach.

Taste of Autumn


I came back from Kyushu, the western-most island of Japan.  My mom's hometown is in northern part of it.  While I was there, I bought some just freshly cropped rice from  a nearby village.  They say that rice from that village is especially a local favorite (although you see rice fields everywhere around), and indeed, it was good.
Even with my non-fancy micro-wave rice cooker, the shine and the bounciness is different from old rice we can buy at supermarkets.  If you live in outside of Japan and if you have never tasted fresh rice, I hope one day you will!
My relatives also gave us some veggies from their fields so I brought some home.

This fruit is called Kabosu, used as lemon, but milder than lemon.

September 22, 2010


I met 4 cool musicians at Shinagawa station taxi stand yesterday, on my way home from the airport. They invited me to ride with them (to where !? ... I politely decline because I had 4 pieces of luggage and was stinking after 14 hours of flight), then invited me to their shows this week.

Alain Brunet Quartet will be playing with Charito at Body & Soul in Aoyama this Thursday and Friday. Details are in below site (Sept 23 & 24):

This is going to be a great show, I know it! Wish I can go! But I will be in my mom's hometown on those 2 days... Uggggh!


I am back from the camp.  It was magical... It requires time to digest and write about my experience there.
More later, for I am off to Nagasaki from tomorrow.

September 11, 2010

Heaven (buried in wool...)

Ever since childhood, I have found it extremely curious that Chinese image of paradise or "afterlife place" is called 桃源郷, a place where peach flowers bloom everywhere, pink, green and red.  As you might already know, Japanese image of afterlife (in a bit ghostly way) is where cherry blossoms bloom in a faint light of the night.

Anyway, at this very moment, my personal "heaven" involves comfy couch, cool air conditioning, and knitting.  Nothing feels more heavenly than knitting with wool for autumn when it is still 35 degrees C outside.
These days I try not to knit in public, for it is really crazy just to talk about "wool" in this deadly heat.  It is the hottest summer ever, according to 85 year-old lady who was interviewed by a TV news reporter.

My recent FO (looks better and make-sense when worn by human body):

Forest and Frills
Design: tiny owl knitsOwlknits
Yarn: Mirasol Yarn Sulka  in Lime, 7 skeins
Needles: US 13 (9mm) / Hook 6mm
Started: January 2010, Finished: September 1, 2010

I know, this is exactly what I mean "crazy"... knitting this bulky yarn in summer.
These days, I am working hard to finish up all my past project, clear up my stash, so that I can move on to the new ones.

For example another work in progress is:

This is going to be a bulky simple sweater.   Knitted with tweed yarn and kid mohair.
To be very honest, I have about 7 more projects going on...

Guerre des boutons


Somehow related to my previous posts - In France, a group called Guerre des Boutons (Buttons War - how cute!) teaches little children how to sew.  During the lessons, parents are not allowed.  As my friend told me, French youngsters are re-learning how to sew their clothes sort of on their own.



華氏451 レイ・ブラッドベリ
どろぼうの神さま コーネリア・フンケ
これから正義の話をしよう マイケル・サンデス (まだ読んでる)
What the dog saw   Malcolm Gladwell  (まだ読んでる)
JavaScript  Michael Morrison
Good Enough System (上司に勧められたが進まない)



そう、Kindle買いました。iPadとも迷ったけど、結局既にKindle for iPhoneで読んでいるというのが決め手。iPadは高いし、Kindleは値下げされたし!これからもっと原書で読む機会が増えそうです。

Outlier  by Malcolm Gladwell
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell

David Mitchellの本は、以前装丁の素敵さに本屋さんで一目惚れして、いつか読もうと思っているもの。日本に住んでいたこともあるイギリス人の若手作家らしいです。小説の舞台は日本が多い。でも面白いのかはまだ不明。(その素敵な表紙のバージョンはもうOut of printらしい。。。)

September 10, 2010

Please Remember...

That there are more (and perhaps better?) articles in my older blog.

More than 80 movies reviewed, some books reviews too.


September 03, 2010


Dear readers,
I am trying to get my blog more organized around proper labeling, and I am working on re-label all my past posts right now.  Please bare with me, for "Contents" menu on the right hand side may not properly work for a while.
Thank you for your patience!

DONE NOW!  Please navigate past contents through the "Contents" menu.

September 02, 2010

Fermat's Last Theorem by Simon Singh

Fermat's Enigma: The Epic Quest to Solve the World's Greatest Mathematical Problem

I have seen this book mentioned here and there for quite a while, and finally picked it up from piles of books on the floor (in my room). Knew this book is great, and it truly is.

I have to confess, I did not even finish all the required math courses that were necessary to get into 4-year public universities.  (I had to be specific, because some private universities in Japan do not require math exams.)

To be honest with you, my grades in other subjects (English, Japanese, History, etc) were good enough to compensate the extremely low math scores (due to I did not even take Statistics and advanced courses).  At young an age of 17, I knew my limitations.  My best friend was (and still is) a math (and physics and chemistry) genius, who helped me realize my lack of talent.

I always need to know exactly how things work, in order to understand and make use of it.  My friends were all saying "you just have to memorize the theorem, you don't need to think or know why".  My nature is all against it... I always want to know "why".

This does not mean I had no interest in math or science, especially when it is related to history and when it helps us to see new aspects of this world.  This book, Fermat's Last Theorem, is exactly that.
I am only into 1/3 of the book, but I already feel that I should tell the world how great it is.  Please read!

P.S. After posting, I just realized that I had written nothing about the content itself.  This book is about how a great mystery of Fermat's Last Theorem attracted so many mathematicians, and how Andrew Wilds came across the mystery at the age of 10, for which he spent 30 years to solve.




*P.S. 国立の2次試験では事実、数学の問題のうち半分しか解きませんでした(しかも点数の低い導入部分のみ)。これが上手く行ったせいで、その後「最低点で受かる努力」が身についてしまった私。社会人になって初めて、そんなやり方が通用しないことが分かったのでした。。。やっぱり全力投球が基本です。(と、改めて自分に言い聞かせる。。。)