It's been almost 2 weeks since I returned from Squam Art Workshops. I guess I had been too lonely afterwords, so I spent most of my time doing something - work, dinner with friends, watch TV drama series, knitting - until my brain stopped functioning and fell dead asleep. With this intense rehabilitation, I got over my jetlag and finally started to feel more or less "normal".
Since SAW website seem to have a technical problem, I will start by introducing a Food Styling class that I took on the 2nd day. The instructor is a well-known food blog writer/food stylist, who also contributes articles to Boston Globe and other major publications, Beatrice Peltre.
La Tartine Goumande
She used to be a technical translator for a software company, but decided to pursue her passion in cooking and photography. I felt an instant connection with her (probably solely on my side ;)) when she said "I loved my job but I didn't love my job". She was well paid and fairly comfortable, but felt something was missing. Now she is a food stylist, a mom, blogger, writer, and occasionally a teacher. She is very inspiring for me.
The class started by her explaining her background, basics about food styling, about the recipe. We spent morning hours cooking, then afternoon hours taking photos and learning about cameras.
Verrines are now popular dish in France, and now it became so popular that everything is served in a glass in France (or so she says). It's pretty common for me too, I see verrines all the time at the restaurants I go to, but I didn't know that there was a name for that kind of thing. In two groups, we made a custard&berry desert and shrimp/avocado/crab/grapefruit savory verrines.
If you scroll down further, you can see my very first shot and the "after" shots with Bea's coaching. "After" photos are still not that good, but you can perhaps see the difference?
All in all, I learned so much, and it was a great fun!
Squam Art Workshopsから帰ってきて2週間たちました。休みが終わってしまった寂しさを紛らわせるためか、ここ1週間くらいドラマばかり観ていて、やっと復活!したかな?
先生はBeatrice Peltreというボストン在住のフランス人で、独学でフードスタイリングを習得して、いまでは人気ブログを運営する傍ら雑誌や新聞(ボストングローブ紙)に寄稿したり、料理の本を執筆したりしています。もともとは技術翻訳をやっていたということ。「好きだったけど、でも好きじゃなかった」仕事をリストラされたのをきっかけに、好きだった料理に集中してみようと、作った料理を写真付きでブログに紹介することにしたのが始まりといいます。
これは、最初に撮った写真。(The very first shot)
色々指導していただいて、最後のほうに撮ったのはこれ。("After" shots)
同じカメラで先生が撮ったのはこれ。やっぱり違う。。。(Bea took this picture with the same setting, with my camera. Looks so different.)
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