I never imagined we would be facing this kind of situation in Tokyo while the disaster happened elsewhere. Also, I didn't imagine what I was researching in school, ecological city planning, becomes so relevant in this country so soon, like we should not build anything on the 100 year flood plains.
Hard to keep calm, hard to keep quiet, but I'm trying hard.
The atmosphere in Japan is that you would look like a traitor if you run away, but don't you think it's wiser to escape when you sense some danger? I don't know.
But I want to declare here, clearly, that I am not afraid to be a traitor or a coward. I value my family and my life than my job, nor the imaginary concept of "our country".
Anyway, I'm still drawing. These days I want to draw all the time, even while I'm sleeping.
Hi Meri, I think about you constantly and hope with all my heart that you and your loved ones remain safe and healthy through this tragedy. Take care. Love, Shelly.
Shelly, thank you so much. Your words mean a lot to me. Truly.
I think personal safety is more important than what anybody might think - follow your heart Meri. Wishing you peace and continued safety!!
Kelly, hugs back! Can't wait to see you all back at SAW, so I have to stay safe till then.
Being aware of what's happening rigth now and not turning off your brain doesn't seem coward the least bit to me...
Maybe because here in France we haven't forgotten our government attitude's during Tchnernobyl : nothing to worry about, the nuclear cloud "stopped at the border"...
Absolutely no safety measures were taken here, while they were throwing away milk and vegetable in Germany...
So we do not beleive anymore what the French governement or local media would say in such a situation (and I was not really surprised by what I read in the Japanese media websites when I checked their coverage of the whole nuclear issue...)
I agree with one of your friend : follow your heart
We're thinking about you and how trully courageous you are
Lau, thank you for supporting me. Fortunately, things are getting back to normal (except for the nuclear crises of course) and we are feeling better each day.
But I agree with you about the government. Somehow they seem to think of us the general public too plain and unintelligent to understand what is happening, and never trust us with unbiased information. We just have to make our own judgment eventually.
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