June 26, 2011

Long journey to finishing a dress

 As I may have written before, I had been sewing a very simple linen dress these past weeks.  Last weekend, my sister's family were traveling to Seoul, while I was dog-sitting and borrowed her sewing machine as well.
 It's a wrap dress in dark navy linen.  A splash of purple in it.
 While I was sewing the hem (the finishing), one of the dogs, Rey, climbed up my niece's (baby) chair on her own.  So cute.
 Still sewing.
The dress looks like this, it's hard to make out, but it's a wrap dress and there is a bow-tie in front.
Here are something extra: some shots from this afternoon stroll in an old neighborhood not far from Akihabara (Tokyo).  Lovely wall gardens.


lau said...


Meri said...

Thank you, Lau!!!