July 09, 2011

Empire Waist Cardigan

Back from my vacation!
Now I am totally devastated and am thinking about quitting my job. Seriously.  How can I live in such a hot and humid place?  I am a winter person!

Anyway, this black cardigan was completed on the 2nd day of the vacation, and has been pretty useful during the trip.

Pattern: Empire Waist Cardigan by Pam Allen (from CEY New Harbor book)
Yarn: Pierrot Tsubaki Cotton DK in Black, 8.5 skeins (approx. 765 yards)
Needles: US 6 (4mm) circular needles
Raveled here - modification details

Since I didn't have enough yarn, I decided to make the sleeves slightly shorter and the skirt part less flared.  In the original design, the skirt part looked a bit too heavy.  I am very happy about the results so far.
The pattern is from this book, and it's actually the second time I knitted from this book.  There are still a few other designs I want to try, so the thin booklet is definitely a keeper.


Barb said...

Hello Meri,
We met briefly in a class at Squam this past September. I just wanted to say congratulations on the Womens World Cup Win!!!

Meri said...

Barb, thank you so much!

It seemed like the only good news we had in Japan in many months.. Such an inspiring game, and both teams fought incredibly.

Are you going back to SAW this year? I will!

Barb said...

I'm not able to go to SAW this year, but I am hoping to go next year. It really is a fabulous peaceful place.

lau said...

same as Barb :-):
congratulations for the world cup !!!
(saw a little bit of it on the news while vacationing in Alsace)

The French girls "only" made it to number 4 but I like them a lot better than the men team :-)

Meri said...

Lau, thank you :) (tho I didn't do anything to deserve it ;))
I had no idea our girls' team was that good until I saw the semi-final result..
Enjoy your vacation!