March 17, 2012

Spring Rain

Hi there!

Just a quick update on where I am.  I am going away for the weekend (again...), taking some time off from amirisu work.  Both Tokuko and I worked so hard in the past 2 weeks, now she is in Okinawa and I will also be by the sea.  Guess this is our well-deserved weekend off.


Last night, for the first time in a few weeks, I was able to knit longer than 5 minutes on the commuting trains.  (Which is becoming a norm in my life.)  I couldn't help but starting a new, very simple shawl with a yarn from my treasure box.


Isn't the color beautiful?

I bought this yarn from Lotta (her Ravelry name is enugu) through Ravelry.  I saw her projects, checked out which she was using, and most of them were dyed by herself!  She sold me several skeins out of her basket, and this is one of them.


On the other end, my sweater project is going very slowly but somehow making a progress.  The body part is done, so it's now onto 2 sleeves, bottom up.  It became a portable project again :)

OK, have a great weekend everyone, and let's chat again next week!



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