This cotton cardigan, knitted in Rowan Handknit Cotton, was finished in 8 days. Whew! That was definitely a record speed for me. I don't usually knit the same thing day and night, but somehow I could not put this one down.
It is a very well written pattern, and a lovely one, too. I highly recommend it!
You can wear it with fronts open and draped like this, or..

... with the collars flipped like a jacket, or...

... closed with buttons.

If I hadn't bought summer yarn to knit another of Heidi's cardie, I would totally knit another Nanook with wool yarn this time.
Seigaiha, the green shawl, was the mystery knit-along project that I had been working on throughout June. I knitted the last bit on my flight back from Firenze, so, ta-da!
This was definitely the hardest and the most complicated thing I had ever made. The end product looks gorgeous and pretty rewarding.
Designed by amazing Kitman.

It's pretty with silver beads.

BUT. The yarn bled like crazy, like pouring the actual dye in the water. My hands became totally blue. I washed and re-washed like 20 times, but it didn't stop to bleed.
I don't think I will ever use Posh Yarn again. The dye work was so second class.

I have 3 more projects to finish by the end of summer. So busy!
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