November 17, 2012

今日の編み物 Today's Knitting

I am so happy that it's raining heavily today, so that I can knit.  I am so happy that knitting has been bringing me lots of serendipity and happenstances (don't know if this is the right way to use the words, but I could not think of better words to describe my fortunes).

I am knitting this cardigan from a Japanese book called "Knitted Wardrobe" by Mariko Mikuni, using Jamieson'& Smith's Shetland Alan yarn.

The yarn is very stretch but tough, so it's pretty hard on my arms and shoulders.  But I am loving the textile and the stitch definition.


The other project which I am about to start is this modern-looking Cowichan jacket by a Japanese designer (on a Japanese knitting magazine). You can buy the pattern for less than $3 but I am not sure how much of it is described in charts.

その1つめは、Cirilia Roseデザインの下のカーディガン、Aidez。先ほど紹介したアランカーディガンと似ているのだけど、こちらもピッタリの糸があるので。

Also, I am planning to knit a few other bulky-weight cardigans this year.  Candidates are Aidez by Cirilia Rose (I've already got the yarn), Nantucket Jacket by Twinkle (also got the yarn ready), and Fireside Sweater.

Photo by Cirilia Rose
2つめは、これ。Amber AllisonのFireside Sweater。 もう何年も前から編もうと思ってマークしているのだけれど、ついに今年?

I just watched the movie Holiday last night, and remembered that I had this pattern in my queue forever.  I didn't notice before that the cardigan in the movie is using a very soft fuzzy yarn, perhaps made with angora or alpaca, and it looked much lighter than the below photo.   Before I was going to use a regular alan weight yarn, but now realized that I have to find a softer yarn.  Maybe next year?

そして最後に、これ。Twinkle's Town & Country Knitsのナンタケット・カーディガン。糸はずっと持っているんですけど、着る自信がなくて編んでいなかったもの。

OK, going back to knitting.  Until next time!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

So much gorgeous knitting here Meri! Love what you have on the needles and what you have planned.