April 21, 2010

Big Wallet

English Text Follows.

数ヶ月前から非常に気になっていた広告がありまして、それについてブログに書こうかとつれづれなるままに考えていたところ、今日になってそれがBig Walletと最近言われている手法なのではないかと思い至ったのでした。
Big Walletとは本も出ていますが、複数の企業がお金を出し合って共同でプロモーションをする手法として、最近出てきたコンセプトです。以前からやっている人はいたかもしれませんが、「手法」として認識されたようです。

ちなみに、この前Uniqloに行ったらAlice In Wonderlandの映画の公開にあわせ、コラボデザインの洋服を売っていました。可愛かったのでスパッツなど購入したところ、1アイテムにつき1つオマケが付いてきた。採算が取れているのかな?と疑問に思いましたが、考えてみたら、あのオマケはDisney提供だったのかもしれません。


The idea of blogging about one particular series of TVCM was in my To Do list for a while. Somehow, just today, it had hit upon me that the CM was made in line with what is now called "Big Wallet" strategy.
The company names had slipped my mind, unfortunately, but this series of TV commercials is using the same video for a few different advertisements of different companies. There is this program on National Geographic, in which 3 surfers (or who look like it) travel around Japan. They use the video image for the CM of this program, then additionally for a surf shop, and then a digital video camera. Also, the way they created it, it is hard to figure out whether it is a program itself or infomercials.
This particular CMs are not that attractive, but the method itself is very interesting and has a lot of potential. People watch the same video many times, yet the contents are slightly different.
Big Wallet is a method or strategy, where multiple companies get together and cooperate on promotion activities, and of course share the costs, thus you get a bigger wallet. The method is one of hot topics in marketing these days.
The other example I noticed was Uniqlo/Disney tie-up on Alice in the Wonderland promotion. Uniqlo is selling very cute T-shirts with Alice-inspired designs, then when I bought a few items, they gave me a small gift per item (wow). Now I realized that the gift was offered by Disney, not by Uniqlo.
There are unlimited ways of creative promotions like this. I wish I were working for a company that sells more interesting products. You can't really do much with financial products, because of the strict regulations...

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