April 18, 2010

Crochet Revisited

I remember, when I started out as a novice knitter, I started with simple crochet projects.  It's simple in technique that was used, not so simple in terms of 4,000 beads I had to thread per project.  I made 3 purses like below, then somehow got tired of it, moved on to Irish crocheting, before landing on a deep knitting world.

So why am I revisiting crochet techniques?  I saw this book the other day at a store and I really wanted to make the scarf on the cover.

The book is 「かんたんかわいいかぎ針編みこもの」(Easy and cute crochet accessories by Nihon Vogue). I am not sure how it will turn out, but so far it is looking good.  The techniques used are very simple sc, chain, and dc, etc.

The color is actually very bad-tasted purple, red, and shocking pink.  It will look super cute when completed.

Shown here, a book with pink flamingos, is a penguin version of Alice in Wonderland/through the Looking-Glass.  I thought it is very adequate for the scarf that I am making.

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