May 30, 2010
The One and Only...
My iPhone/iPod felt like listening to this album this morning. So I decided to look around a bit more about it. I think this one is THE BEST ROCK ALBUM EVER! Sorry that I will switch to Japanese, for people in the Western World already know so much about it that nothing I write is new.
One thing to add is that Abby Road was ranked #14 in Rolling Stones Magazine's the The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time, and # 1 was Sgt. Pepper instead.
今日ではないのですが、木曜日、通勤のお伴をしていたわたしのiPhone/iPodはAbby Roadの日だったらしく、わたしも開き直ってアルバムを最初から通しで聴くことにしました。色々と疑問がわいて来てWikipediaで調べてみたり。
Abby RoadはThe Beatlesの中でも一番好きな一枚です。これから70年代!!!という時代を切り開くパワーに満ちたエンディング。それなのにthe Beatlesは終わってしまって、4人で70年代を見ることが出来なかった悲しさ。70年代前半のバンドはどれも確実にこれに影響を受けていて、だからこそビートルズの目を通した70年代が見たかった、と思ってしまうのです。
英語のWikipediaを見てみると、曲ごとにページがあるほどに詳細に解説があります。有名な話ですが、JohnとGeorgeがバラバラに作った数曲をPaulがGeorge Martinとスタジオにこもって編集し直した一枚。ということで、先日編集の学校の開講式でも「究極のエディトリアル・ワーク」として紹介されていました。順番の座りが良いように間をPaulが自作で埋めて、最後は未完の曲の断片をつなぎ合わせてメドレーを。Paulの曲は、気がついてみると、他のメンバーの声が全然入っていないのです。なんとか形にしようと、一人で作って一人で歌って、そんな姿が目に浮かび再び哀しくなります。最近ではアルバムより曲単位でダウンロードする時代、アルバムをひとつの作品として通しで聴くことは減って来たかもしれません。でもAbby Roadを聴くにつけ「これを細切れになんかできない」と思う。
Rolling Stones誌が選んだ「過去最高のロックアルバム500枚」ランキングでは、意外にもAbby Roadは14位に留まり、1位はSgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Clubでした。メンバーの協業、新しい音楽を開拓しようという熱意、サイケデリックブームに及ぼした影響。。。そんなものを含めて。Abby Roadはポールが独りで半分くらい作ったものだし。すごいのは、トップ10にThe Beatlesが5枚も入っていることですね。
巷では素敵なおばあさまとして尊敬もされているオノ・ヨーコさん、わたしは個人的に恨んでいます。So sorry, but I can't help blaming you, Yoko.
上のリンクはRolling Stones誌に飛びますが、Wikipediaだと一覧で全部見ることが出来ます。
The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time
Project Updates
Above is half-hibernating cardigan (Lavender by Kim Hargreaves) that I picked up and restarted yesterday. Now I am done the lower border, back and left front body. Half done!
It's one of the most complex and well composed design that I ever knitted. The yarn is Rowan Felted Tweed. I will hold my comments on it for now, for it may shed a lot when one wears it. The texture is really nice, though.
Below, Tribute socks by Brenda Patipa is available FREE online. A very well written pattern and I am sure the result will be super cute. BUT, at this moment, I have no idea what I am doing. I chose a dark-colored yarn, so that it's really hard to see... Do you think this looks right?
Rented CDs
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds 以前はCDを持っていたのに見つけられず借りた一枚。God Only Knowsだけでなく、色々良い曲があります
The Rolling Stones - Exile on Main ST. 色々なランキングをみるとトップ10に入っているので。ストーンズは子供の頃からなんとなく耳にしつつ、ちゃんと聴いたことはありません。なんでだろ。
The Byrds - The Essential Byrds TsutayaでまさにCDを選んでいる最中、これが良いと教えてもらいレンタル。タンバリンマンとか、聴いたことのある曲が色々あり。ビーチボーイズやPPMのような感じ?
Blur - Blur デビューして以来アルバムはいつも目にしていたものの、何故か聴いたことがなかったバンド。多分好きだと思う
Paramore - All we know is falling 映画Twillightのサントラで知り、結構気に入ったバンド。アルバムを聴いてみたくなって。
Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited 子供の頃から何故か良さが良く分からないDylanに再挑戦。声がセクシーじゃないから?Rolling Stones誌のランキングでは500枚のうちトップ10に入っていました。
The Velvet Underground & Nico 有名な一枚。食わず嫌いというか、興味がなくて聴いたことがなかったのですが、最近あまりにも良く見かけるので。
May 29, 2010
美味しい食材・美味しいご飯 Beautiful Food
I have been trying to finish the sweater since this morning, inspired by Roko-san's (my co-Ravelrer) beautiful summer knit. I always admire her work and that she completes one great project at a time. I have several right now, most of them hibernating. So I tried very hard but eventually got tired of it, and decide to divert my interest to this blog.
These days, I am more aware of what I eat, and am trying to pay more attention to what they are made of.
In Japanese, the word "delicious" is described as "beautiful taste", literally. When we say "beautiful" for food, I think the implication extends not just to the taste, but also to the flavor, the look, how the food sits on a plate, the energy contained in it, and the emotions of people who cooked.
The reason of saying this is because I read a series of fascinating essays by one Japanese writer/photo-journalist. Unfortunately he writes in Japanese. But anyways he goes to places to meet and write about those ordinary people who are passionate about producing and cooking organic vegetables or traditional food. Although I learned that the situation is becoming harder and harder for those sincere producers, I was enlightened by their passion, and at the same time, became very proud of living in this country.
We are living in this unfortunate era after the WWII, when we have to endure industrial pollution and mass production using chemical pesticides and god-knows-what-else imported from the western world (of course made us financially richer at the same time), but in this country we still have traditional ways. These ways include natural farming, traditional cooking with which only the natural ingredients are used, and very efficient recycling and reuse.
Many restaurants around Japan often tell you where the vegetables and meats they cook came from, and sometimes who produced them. And very good but inexpensive Japanese restaurants are everywhere.
So, these all came down to, I have been eating well. I decided to go to Japanese restaurants more often, and eat better. People always say that you have to eat 30 different ingredients every day. It's hard to do this, when you live alone and often eat out, but one has to try. When we eat very well prepared food, we can feel the positive energies trapped inside. Beautiful food.
These days, I am more aware of what I eat, and am trying to pay more attention to what they are made of.
In Japanese, the word "delicious" is described as "beautiful taste", literally. When we say "beautiful" for food, I think the implication extends not just to the taste, but also to the flavor, the look, how the food sits on a plate, the energy contained in it, and the emotions of people who cooked.
The reason of saying this is because I read a series of fascinating essays by one Japanese writer/photo-journalist. Unfortunately he writes in Japanese. But anyways he goes to places to meet and write about those ordinary people who are passionate about producing and cooking organic vegetables or traditional food. Although I learned that the situation is becoming harder and harder for those sincere producers, I was enlightened by their passion, and at the same time, became very proud of living in this country.
We are living in this unfortunate era after the WWII, when we have to endure industrial pollution and mass production using chemical pesticides and god-knows-what-else imported from the western world (of course made us financially richer at the same time), but in this country we still have traditional ways. These ways include natural farming, traditional cooking with which only the natural ingredients are used, and very efficient recycling and reuse.
Many restaurants around Japan often tell you where the vegetables and meats they cook came from, and sometimes who produced them. And very good but inexpensive Japanese restaurants are everywhere.
So, these all came down to, I have been eating well. I decided to go to Japanese restaurants more often, and eat better. People always say that you have to eat 30 different ingredients every day. It's hard to do this, when you live alone and often eat out, but one has to try. When we eat very well prepared food, we can feel the positive energies trapped inside. Beautiful food.
May 28, 2010
London Streetmuseum
I just saw this on the Internet - you can walk around the city of London while looking at the old photos of the exact spots. The Museum of London released an iPhone App using their vast photo archive. I wish we have something like this for many major cities around the world. We can use old prints and paintings, not just photos, as well!
Creativity Online article
Creativity Online article
May 25, 2010
Blogger and Google Analytics
Google Analyticsはフリーで、しかも市中の有料分析ツールに勝る分析力らしいので、その点は良いです。実はGoogleAnalyticsを使いたかったためにWordpressから引っ越してきました。Wordpressは3rd Partyアプリケーションは制限されていて、自分でウィジェットやツールを追加することが出来ません。
Google Analyticsはフリーで、しかも市中の有料分析ツールに勝る分析力らしいので、その点は良いです。実はGoogleAnalyticsを使いたかったためにWordpressから引っ越してきました。Wordpressは3rd Partyアプリケーションは制限されていて、自分でウィジェットやツールを追加することが出来ません。
May 23, 2010
I got this beautiful flowers from my brother-in-law and my sister. I couldn't resist showing it off to the world!
American Idol This Year
This year has been a very poor Idol year in my opinion. Crystal is great. But she's like the only one who deserves to be in top 6 (we are watching top 6 elimination this week in Japan) in other years. Others, of course they are all beautiful and sexy and all that but, I have to worry about them hitting the right notes when singing... In normal years, the judges comments are like "you are an amazing singer but gosh, this is not the right song!" or something like that. This year, they are like "That was a great performance. My favorite performance of yours so far." How boring. Usually, there are moments week after week that I get goose bumps or almost to the tears. This year, non. Oh, perhaps that one time David Archuleta sang Imagine as a guest. Sad.
Carrie Underwood - Some Hearts
Daughtry - Daughtry
5位くらいでまさかの脱落をしたというChris Daughtry率いるDaughtryのデビュー?アルバム。Homeが特にいいです。こういう声大好き。意外に結構滑らかなテナー。
Melinda Doolittle - Coming Back to You
David Archuleta - David Archuleta
David Cook - David Cook
David Archuletaと比べても倍くらい売れたらしい、すごく人気のアルバムです。もちろんとても良いけど、もう少し色々なタイプの歌を歌って欲しかったな〜と思います。アルバムには入っていないけど、番組でCookが歌ったマライア・キャリーやビートルズのカバーなどは、オリジナルより良いくらいでした。次回作にも期待。
Michael Johns - Hold Back My Heart
このシーズン(7?)で一番応援していたマイケル。まだJudges' Saveという仕組みがなかったので、スゴく良かったパフォーマンスの週に「え?なんで?なんで?」と(わたしに)惜しまれながら消えて行った人物です。マイケル・ハッチェンス(Inxs)ばりのセクシーさとボーカル。でもアルバムはまあまあかな。生で見たいです。
Adam Lambert - For Your Entertainment
Carrie Underwood - Some Hearts
Daughtry - Daughtry
5位くらいでまさかの脱落をしたというChris Daughtry率いるDaughtryのデビュー?アルバム。Homeが特にいいです。こういう声大好き。意外に結構滑らかなテナー。
Melinda Doolittle - Coming Back to You
David Archuleta - David Archuleta
David Cook - David Cook
David Archuletaと比べても倍くらい売れたらしい、すごく人気のアルバムです。もちろんとても良いけど、もう少し色々なタイプの歌を歌って欲しかったな〜と思います。アルバムには入っていないけど、番組でCookが歌ったマライア・キャリーやビートルズのカバーなどは、オリジナルより良いくらいでした。次回作にも期待。
Michael Johns - Hold Back My Heart
このシーズン(7?)で一番応援していたマイケル。まだJudges' Saveという仕組みがなかったので、スゴく良かったパフォーマンスの週に「え?なんで?なんで?」と(わたしに)惜しまれながら消えて行った人物です。マイケル・ハッチェンス(Inxs)ばりのセクシーさとボーカル。でもアルバムはまあまあかな。生で見たいです。
Adam Lambert - For Your Entertainment
Where would the editorial culture go?
ところで、最初にBrutus最新号の表紙を載せたのは、開講式のスピーカーの一人が現Brutusの編集長、西田さんだったから。行かなくて後悔したのは、そのため。Casa Brutusの中でも私が永久保存版にしてきた号などは、西田さんがなんと独自に担当してきたことなどが、お話を聞いて判明しました!大興奮。(でも見てみたら、引っ越しに伴って殆ど処分してしまっていました。。。悲しいけど、でも内容は私の中に既に取り込まれて常識化しています。たとえば、Casa初期のランドスケープ特集や柳宗里特集など。何年も見返した思い出の号です。)
BRUTUS ( ブルータス ) 2010年 2/15号 「ほぼ日と作った、吉本隆明特集」
BRUTUS (ブルータス) 2009年 3/1号 「なにしろラジオ好きなもので。」
BRUTUS (ブルータス) 2008年 6/15号 「ザ・三谷幸喜アワー」
あとは、Casa Brutus時代に担当した「安藤x旅」や柳宗里さんの号などをあげておられました。
In progress
As always, I am knitting many things without completing the previous ones. Knitting sometimes makes me feel like a looser who cannot finish anything. When I actually do complete something, knitting can make me triumphant.
Above is a pattern called Arielle, from my favorite Kim Hargreaves book "Misty". It's a challenge for me because the yarn is 4 ply (very thin) and cotton (very hard to knit with). But I like how it is progressing so far. The bottom edging is very cleverly composed. I really admire her!
Kim HargreavesさんのMistyという本からArielleというパターンを編んでいます。
出来上がればこうなる予定です。細いコットン(Rowan 4ply Cotton)で地道に編んでいるので、いつできることやら。でもきめ細かくて楽しいデザイン。
Now, it is pretty obvious that the yarn is much thicker. Another work-in-progress is a half-sleeved sweater from Classic Elite's New Harbor book. I bought the book to knit some cardigans, but this pattern was perfect for the yarn (Sundara's Aran Silky Merino in Pale Sky in Sugared Violet). So far, it is looking very nice.
I am trying to make the design more "empire waist" and narrow. Hope it works and hope I have enough yarn. Modification details are on my Ravelry page.
もうひとつコソコソ編んでいるのはClassic Eliteというアメリカの毛糸メーカーが出しているパンフレットに載っている夏用セーターです。本当は夏糸で編むとは思いますが、この毛糸の色は冬向きではないので、半袖のゆったりした春秋用セーターにぴったりかな、と。袖から横向きに編んでいくという変わったデザインです。ほんとに、編み方って無限にありますね。もとのデザインはちょっとゆったりし過ぎなので、少し幅を狭めてエンパイアウエスト風にしようと思っています。
This one, Traveling Woman shawl, is my traveling project. I originally knitting more complex shawl with this yarn, but the pattern was not something you can memorize. So I switched to a more simple but pretty design. If you are not on Ravelry, you can find the design here on Feministy's website.
電車のなかでは本も読みますが、近頃本を読んでいても指を動かさないのが手持ち無沙汰な気がしてしまって、オーディオブックと編み物、という組み合わせが一番しっくり来ています。頭と耳、指と目を総動員です。今はDan BrownのLost Symbolを聴いています。でもまあ、本はそこそこっていうとこじゃないかな、と予想しています。
Lastly, I am spinning again. I haven't been practicing it much, but the pedaling and twisting comes very naturally now. Spinning is really relaxing and therapeutical.
暫くぶりにspinningもやっています。前回3 ply(3本撚り合わせる)で失敗したので、今回はスゴく単純に2本でやってみようと思います。やっと普通に編める太さの糸が紡げるようになってきました。3 Plyのときは太さは良かったのですが、1本は完全に緑色の糸を使ったのが仇となって、折角まだらに染めているのに全体がぼんやり緑な詰まらない糸になってしまいました。今度は上手くいくかな。
May 21, 2010
Window Shopping
I have been debating with a demon inside me over 3 things for quite some time now.
1. I want to buy a good camera.
Of course, I don't need one, I just want one. My dearest GR Digital is still very much alive and healthy. But my baby cannot capture proper reds and purples, which always gives me a headache... Oh, well, I can list up millions of reasons why I want to buy a new camera.
2. I want to buy a weaving loom (手織り機)
This one is harder to make a case with. I have a spinning wheel and I rarely use it (because I already have tons of yarn). I don't know if I should buy another craft tool with non-negligible size - where can it be stored in my tiny apartment? But, weaving is so much faster than knitting. Well, this one, I guess I shouldn't buy unless I have unlimited storage space...
3. I want to buy a Kindle
This one will be used for sure. It is a pain to carry around even a paperback, not to mention a hard cover, because English books are usually printed on low-quality paper thus significantly thicker than Japanese books. But what would happen to my printed books then? Perhaps I should wait until I read them all first? That'll probably take about 10 years...
1. I want to buy a good camera.
Of course, I don't need one, I just want one. My dearest GR Digital is still very much alive and healthy. But my baby cannot capture proper reds and purples, which always gives me a headache... Oh, well, I can list up millions of reasons why I want to buy a new camera.
2. I want to buy a weaving loom (手織り機)
This one is harder to make a case with. I have a spinning wheel and I rarely use it (because I already have tons of yarn). I don't know if I should buy another craft tool with non-negligible size - where can it be stored in my tiny apartment? But, weaving is so much faster than knitting. Well, this one, I guess I shouldn't buy unless I have unlimited storage space...
3. I want to buy a Kindle
This one will be used for sure. It is a pain to carry around even a paperback, not to mention a hard cover, because English books are usually printed on low-quality paper thus significantly thicker than Japanese books. But what would happen to my printed books then? Perhaps I should wait until I read them all first? That'll probably take about 10 years...
May 18, 2010
I am very happy because my sister finally started knitting! (For that matter, my mom started crocheting a few months ago.) She is usually not a crafty type, but being stuck with a newborn (however cute she is) 24/7 alone in her apartment finally got to her. She is surprisingly quick to learn and I am so proud of her :)
I am very fortunate to have hundreds of knitter friends around the world, but still it will be very nice to chat with my own family over knitting and coffee. My years of persuasion paid off!
I am very fortunate to have hundreds of knitter friends around the world, but still it will be very nice to chat with my own family over knitting and coffee. My years of persuasion paid off!
May 17, 2010
Blog Moved
Yes, my blog has been moved!
At first I did not like Blogger. I had an account for a while, but I didn't like it because the logo looks awful.
But yey, let's face it, it has all the Google functionality, and I want to use them without a lot of hustle. I am experimenting with Google Analytics, Webmaster Tool, and others.
Please bare with me, dear readers, if you find any strange squirrels jumping around my blog for a while.
At first I did not like Blogger. I had an account for a while, but I didn't like it because the logo looks awful.
But yey, let's face it, it has all the Google functionality, and I want to use them without a lot of hustle. I am experimenting with Google Analytics, Webmaster Tool, and others.
Please bare with me, dear readers, if you find any strange squirrels jumping around my blog for a while.
May 13, 2010
Happy birthday to me :)
I've got so many birthday withes this year from the moment I woke up. Actually, since 2 days ago. So, I have been in a pretty good mood all day! Thank you so much, all!
Many of them came through Facebook and another community site for knitters. Some people complain about the mal-effect of the highly networked society, but personally I feel blessed by being connected to many caring people around the globe. Those people who abuse the Internet will find a way of hurting people anyway, with our without the Internet.
My colleagues have took me out for a birthday lunch to a near-by cafe/pub. It's a tiny place, so we had the space to ourselves, and they even decorated the ceiling for me! My colleagues gave me a cute purse and a lovely flower bouquet. Thank you so much!!! I had a blast :)
My mom and sister gave me their present already - a leather book cover, hand made. HAND MADE! (not by them, but by a very talented craftsman.) You know I read a lot, so it was a perfect gift for me.
The only setback is that I am still at work and it doesn't seem like I go home soon... I will post some photos when I get home tonight.
Many of them came through Facebook and another community site for knitters. Some people complain about the mal-effect of the highly networked society, but personally I feel blessed by being connected to many caring people around the globe. Those people who abuse the Internet will find a way of hurting people anyway, with our without the Internet.
My colleagues have took me out for a birthday lunch to a near-by cafe/pub. It's a tiny place, so we had the space to ourselves, and they even decorated the ceiling for me! My colleagues gave me a cute purse and a lovely flower bouquet. Thank you so much!!! I had a blast :)
My mom and sister gave me their present already - a leather book cover, hand made. HAND MADE! (not by them, but by a very talented craftsman.) You know I read a lot, so it was a perfect gift for me.
The only setback is that I am still at work and it doesn't seem like I go home soon... I will post some photos when I get home tonight.
May 11, 2010
これ一冊で世の中すべてが分かるとは思いませんが、Food for Thoughtとしておススメです。
これ一冊で世の中すべてが分かるとは思いませんが、Food for Thoughtとしておススメです。
Kindle Experience without Kindle
I wanted to briefly update my readers about my recent e-book experience. I have successfully completed my reading of 4 Kindle books, 2 of which are within a week, on my Macbook (named Alain in a french way) and iPhone (still hasn't been named).
Let me tell you this very clearly: don't do it. It will kill your eyes, then your shoulders, then your head. No, I don't want to read my books, newspapers, nor magazines on computer/cell phone/ iPad screens. Period.
Let me tell you this very clearly: don't do it. It will kill your eyes, then your shoulders, then your head. No, I don't want to read my books, newspapers, nor magazines on computer/cell phone/ iPad screens. Period.
May 10, 2010
Lucie Lie Exhibition in Tokyo
It was a sunny day, such a perfect weather for a small neighborhood stroll. I managed to bring all my winter boots to a shoe repair shop, did some other chores and felt pretty good about myself. So, on did I ventured to an exhibition that I was dying to see. I had written about this person some time ago (a year or two?) when I bought a book on her beautiful work, but anyway there is a show going on for a great Austrian/English potter, Lucie Lie.
The collection was far greater than I had expected. Apart from the signature style of very simple and colorful yet serene vases and bowls, she invented and rediscovered so many different methods which resulted in diverse beautiful textures. Still, all of them are so Lucie. I love her pink the best of all, but other styles were equally intriguing. It was totally worth my $15 and I wouldn't mind going back there again.
By the way, her surname "Lie" is her husband's name. Even though they were married for a very short while, she had kept it forever. I think she probably loved the rhyme of Lucie and Lie, and preferred it for it sounds and looks more "artisan" than her original name. Lovely.
The thing that surprised me the most about her work was the preciseness. She kept record of every single trial and mixture of colors and materials. Some of her works are very simplistic, look almost as if made by the industrial production, but the amount of work put into them are truly amazing. Such attention to the tiniest details. This is the key that made her work so appealing, current and relevant.
Value of things stopped coming from how much they cost or who are the owners. Rather, how much attention and energy put into the creating process makes all the difference.
Check out her exhibition at New National Art Museum (Shin Kokuritsu Bijutsukan) in Roppongi, running through mid June.
The collection was far greater than I had expected. Apart from the signature style of very simple and colorful yet serene vases and bowls, she invented and rediscovered so many different methods which resulted in diverse beautiful textures. Still, all of them are so Lucie. I love her pink the best of all, but other styles were equally intriguing. It was totally worth my $15 and I wouldn't mind going back there again.
By the way, her surname "Lie" is her husband's name. Even though they were married for a very short while, she had kept it forever. I think she probably loved the rhyme of Lucie and Lie, and preferred it for it sounds and looks more "artisan" than her original name. Lovely.
The thing that surprised me the most about her work was the preciseness. She kept record of every single trial and mixture of colors and materials. Some of her works are very simplistic, look almost as if made by the industrial production, but the amount of work put into them are truly amazing. Such attention to the tiniest details. This is the key that made her work so appealing, current and relevant.
Value of things stopped coming from how much they cost or who are the owners. Rather, how much attention and energy put into the creating process makes all the difference.
Check out her exhibition at New National Art Museum (Shin Kokuritsu Bijutsukan) in Roppongi, running through mid June.
May 01, 2010
シナモンロールが美味しそうだったので、明日かあさって、作ろうかなと思っています。思い起こせば、中学生くらいのときにOliveで連載していた堀井和子さんのページでシナモンロールが目に留まって、それが私のお菓子作りの第一歩だった気がします。かもめ食堂のレシピはここ。 シナモンが苦手だったら、代わりにココアパウダーとかどうかな。カルダモンを砕くというのは初めて見ました。
シナモンロールが美味しそうだったので、明日かあさって、作ろうかなと思っています。思い起こせば、中学生くらいのときにOliveで連載していた堀井和子さんのページでシナモンロールが目に留まって、それが私のお菓子作りの第一歩だった気がします。かもめ食堂のレシピはここ。 シナモンが苦手だったら、代わりにココアパウダーとかどうかな。カルダモンを砕くというのは初めて見ました。
This is my secret :) favorite project. Using 7 skeins of worsted weight yarn, we can do pretty amazing things! Simple garter stitched will give you a squashy blanket. Pattern is from here: PurlBee. Ravelry link here. I am copying my Ravelry friend Catrina and waldorfmama. I am into the third color.
Crochet Scarf
Finished! I don't seem to be able to capture the color right, but it is lovely and totally worth the effort.
This scarf has a collar on one side, and ribbon ties on both ends of scarf. I would love to make another one but it takes so much time...

Pattern: 襟付きスカーフ Scarf with Collar , From かんたんかわいい かぎ針編みこもの Easy Cute Crocheted Accesories by Nihon Vogue
Yarn: Wollmeise 100% Merino Superwash Sock in Roter Himbeermund (150g, 575 yards), used about 500 yards
Hook: 2mm crochet hook
Modification: I did not have enough yarn for the collor, so I only did 1 row of pattern B and 1 row of pattern C

This is another one from the same book. I found this shiny yarn at Yuzawaya and I instantly fell in love. The yarn is not soft so not suitable for garment, but still.
Pattern: Tassel Lariette タッセルラリエット
Yarn: Chausette by Hanamaka
Hook: 2.5mm crochet hook
This scarf has a collar on one side, and ribbon ties on both ends of scarf. I would love to make another one but it takes so much time...
Pattern: 襟付きスカーフ Scarf with Collar , From かんたんかわいい かぎ針編みこもの Easy Cute Crocheted Accesories by Nihon Vogue
Yarn: Wollmeise 100% Merino Superwash Sock in Roter Himbeermund (150g, 575 yards), used about 500 yards
Hook: 2mm crochet hook
Modification: I did not have enough yarn for the collor, so I only did 1 row of pattern B and 1 row of pattern C
This is another one from the same book. I found this shiny yarn at Yuzawaya and I instantly fell in love. The yarn is not soft so not suitable for garment, but still.
Pattern: Tassel Lariette タッセルラリエット
Yarn: Chausette by Hanamaka
Hook: 2.5mm crochet hook
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