September 11, 2010

Heaven (buried in wool...)

Ever since childhood, I have found it extremely curious that Chinese image of paradise or "afterlife place" is called 桃源郷, a place where peach flowers bloom everywhere, pink, green and red.  As you might already know, Japanese image of afterlife (in a bit ghostly way) is where cherry blossoms bloom in a faint light of the night.

Anyway, at this very moment, my personal "heaven" involves comfy couch, cool air conditioning, and knitting.  Nothing feels more heavenly than knitting with wool for autumn when it is still 35 degrees C outside.
These days I try not to knit in public, for it is really crazy just to talk about "wool" in this deadly heat.  It is the hottest summer ever, according to 85 year-old lady who was interviewed by a TV news reporter.

My recent FO (looks better and make-sense when worn by human body):

Forest and Frills
Design: tiny owl knitsOwlknits
Yarn: Mirasol Yarn Sulka  in Lime, 7 skeins
Needles: US 13 (9mm) / Hook 6mm
Started: January 2010, Finished: September 1, 2010

I know, this is exactly what I mean "crazy"... knitting this bulky yarn in summer.
These days, I am working hard to finish up all my past project, clear up my stash, so that I can move on to the new ones.

For example another work in progress is:

This is going to be a bulky simple sweater.   Knitted with tweed yarn and kid mohair.
To be very honest, I have about 7 more projects going on...

1 comment:

lau said...

still 35°C in Tokyo ???????????!!
Oh my !

just for a laugh: in Paris, the latest issue of Pochée is now on sale, for over 18 euros...