November 14, 2010


Even though I love to collect pieces of papers and brochures everytime I travel, those are usually stashed away in plastic folders, never to be opened.  My intentions were always doing something like this -

I cut them up into pieces and created a 2-pages memoir... first time, ever!  I felt so accomplished when I was done.
My french friend told me that Japanese masking tapes are very popular in France these days.  The other day, I found some very cute ones, and could not resist buying.  Hope they will come useful for my scrapbooking.

This new knitting book was added to my library today.  The author is a Japanese violinist, who used to study in Europe and was fascinated by the world of intricate knitting.  This particular one is for scarves - all reversible, and all gorgeous.  I can't wait to try some designs myself.
"Ideas for Double-sided Knitted Scarves" by Toshiyuki Shimada
Going back to yesterday, my boss and I brought a visitor from NY to a famous Japanese temple and a very traditional noodle place.  Somehow I did not take any photo of the temple, but on the sideway, they had a bonsai competition.  They looked so lovely:
My favorite was the one on the right bottom corner, but I could not get any closer to take close-ups.  Pity. 
Below is the typical November flower in Japan (we also eat the petals).
Lastly, here is a shot of the traditional soba noodle place.  The food was great, but I am not sure how much the guest liked it.  She did not seem to be that much interested in seeing Japanese things.
So, I did not feel rewarded by spending a half day on weekend, feeling exhausted, and now suffering from sorethroat and slight fever.  But anyway, tomorrow is a new day and new week.  I will be ready.


la chouette grise said...

Well, I enjoyed your post about the event :) What is the name of the flower?

Meri said...

Thank you :) The flower is called kiku in Japanese,and called "chrysanthemum" in English. It's an emperor's crest in Japan.

Shelly said...

...mmmmmmmmm... soba

Meri said...

If you ever come to Tokyo, I will take you there :) It was quite nice!