March 14, 2011

insomnia, uncertainty, drawing

I have been drawing. Maybe this book is helping me a lot.
Somehow, drawing comes easy in the midnight hours, when I feel scared and cannot sleep.

The Creative License: Giving Yourself Permission to Be The Artist You Truly Are

They are not so good yet, which is why I am using Instagram to take photos with.


Anonymous said...

I like your drawings! I'm so thankful to know you're safe, Meri. I'm thinking of you and hoping things begin to settle soon.

lau said...

they are beautiful and full of personnality (and my boyfriend immediatly said "oh !!!regarde : foucault !" :-)(he bookmarked your blog a few months ago...)

and of course those days we think a lot about you and people in Japan

Meri said...

Kelly, thank you :) You inspire me a lot. And thank you for your support - a lot of things are confused around the country, but we will be fine.

Lau, wow, he proves to be a true French! :) I am planning to take a class on French philosophy, so I Googled his photos. Thank you truthfully for your kind words.

Caryn Lynn said...

I love your drawings, they have a sense of character. Sometimes when we try to refine things too much they loose that individual raw element that makes them unique to their creator. My prayers are to you and everyone who is living through loss, fear,pain, and searching to regain their lives.

Momglouglou said...

Magnifiques dessins! et très beau blog.
Toutes mes pensées vous accompagnent dans les épreuves que votre pays traverse.

Meri said...

Caryn, Thank you! Yes, I agree - it's better to keep the lines rough and wild to give more character to the work :) Thank you for your prayers - we feel very insecure now, but it seems things are under control.

Momglouglou (desole, je ne sais pas votre pre-non, mais Je suppose que vous êtes un ami de Lau),
Je vous remercie pour votre complément sur ​​mon dessins! La situation au Japon est encore terrible, mais nous souhaitons que tout sera bientot normale...

Momglouglou said...

Oui, je suis Karine, une amie de Laurence, on tricote ensemble à Montpellier.

Meri said...

Karine, enchante! Hope we could meet in person someday soon!