October 01, 2011

SAW Photos

I promise, this batch is going to be the last of woody lakey photos from this trip. These are the remaining photos. As you might remember, this blog is for myself as much as for my friends. I want to post everything so that I can check back and see all the photos in one place. Yey.

This was our cabin, Sommers.  One of the best?

The day we arrived was the very last day of summer in New Hampshire.  The very last chance for us to swim and enjoy the sun. (Although some friends went into the lake on freezing, literally freezing nights, on the following days... )
Until I walked to the very end of the dock, I wasn't sure if I was going to swim.

I went into the water, merely on a dare, to be quite honest.  I am from the city, live in one of the biggest city in the world, and nobody swim in the lake.  Not a single person.
I listen to my mom's story from her childhood, that she used to swim in the river, and that is already like a fairytale to me.

So, into the lake I went.  And it was absolutely terrifying.

I realized that I had never been into a body of water which depth I didn't know.   I couldn't help swimming from dock to dock, didn't trust myself swimming out in the open water.

But it was beautiful.

In the evening, we went to a labyrinth drawn on a lawn, designed by Elizabeth.  It looked like a small maze, but it turned out to be a long walk.  And a very therapeutic one.

The other day I watched a TED talk by Abraham Verghese on how doctors' touch creates human relationship between doctors and patients.  He talked about examining patients as an important "ritual".
Arriving at SAW, seeing the sign, hugging everyone at the registration, seeing the lake for the first time in months, seeing something unusual as this labyrinth, and gathering around fire at a big barn for the welcoming event - these are the rituals to get ourselves into the amazing world of SAW.

So long, until next year.


Barb said...

Hi Meri,

Thank you so much for your posts about Squam. They make me feel like I was there. Your photos are beautiful!

Meri said...

Hi Barb,
It is my pleasure! Hope you received some cool breeze from the lake :)