March 01, 2012

New knitting magazine - amirisu

We are launching a knitting magazine!!!!!!
Yes, it's my secret project #1.  I am happy that we can disclose the details today.

amirisu is an online magazine - like Twist Collectives - but we will go bilingual.  We will tell you lots about Japanese cute designs and places.  At the same time, we want to bring great English patterns to Japan.
The name amirisu came from "amimono = knitting" and "risu = squirrel".

And.  We are requesting and encouraging you to design for us!
Please visit amirisu site for more details.


Jessika said...

That is so cool!

I am such a lurker and rarely comment on blogs, but I do read your every post. You seem to be realizing more and more of your dreams each day, I take joy in reading about your progress.

Sherry said...

Wow, congratulations! I didn't really expect that; but I am looking forward to read your online magazine!

Meri said...

Hi J! Thank you for visiting my blog often... I feel honored and so happy!

Yes, I am extremely excited. But the more I do, the more I realize that it takes at least two to make things happen. :)

Sherry, yeah, I didn't see this coming either! Hahaha. Thank you for your support. I really miss talking to you :)

Mariko M. said...


Meri said...

楽しんで頂けるものを作るべく、ガンバリます :-)