September 26, 2010

Onta Pottery Village 小鹿田焼

ここ数年、Lucy Leeの焼き物に出会ったり色々なところで焼き物を目にしたり、実際自分で陶芸をやってみたりという中で、やっぱり好きだなあと思うようになったところ。Lucyの作品にも、Bernard Leach 経由でその影響が色濃くでています。

There is a famous pottery village called "Onta" in my mother's home town.  My family visited there many times since my childhood, but I had never really understood the beauty of their products until these past few years, I used to think the style is too rustic.  It seems their style has also been adjusted to the market trend, less rustic, lighter and simpler.
I love Lucy Lee's potteries, and her work had also been largely influenced by Onta pottery, through her teacher Bernard Leach.


Shelly said...

Nice pics, Meri!

Meri said...

Thank you, Shelly! I guess I learned something during the workshops ;)

lau said...

this is beautiful !