December 11, 2012

Inspiration 今日の気になるもの

素敵でしょ?これは大学生の時分にイタリアに旅行し、現地のSisley (Benettonの姉妹ブランドの)でオマケに貰ったポストカードの束です。
Gorgeous, aren't they? These are postcards I got as a gift from Sisley (the clothing brand / Benetton) when I purchased something at their shop in Italy while I was a college student.  They have survived in my "treasure box" since then, for I don't have a heart to use them to give away.

それが、敬愛するグラッフィックデザイナー、Massimo Vignelli氏の作品の1つであると知ったのはかなり最近です。Vinelli氏といえば、かの有名なBig Brown Bag(これ)やBenettonのロゴなど、皆さんも必ず何か目にしたことのある、ニューヨーク在住のイタリア人です。(Vignelli Associates)
It was much later that I found out the graphic was done by Massimo Vignelli, one of the designers I really respect.  He is a very famous figure, and I am sure most of you have seen at least one of his work, such as bloomingdale logo and Benetton's creatives.
And as a matter of fact, he did the graphic of the magazine I used to work for, a+u.

Because of that, I have actually visited his apartment/work space once, in New York City.  It is still the most tasteful living space I have ever seen in my entire life. He told us that a+u was one of his most favorite works of all time, and that he really cared about us protecting the identity.
The fact that he did the work more than 20 years ago and the logo still look very modern and relevant is a very good proof of his talent.
One day, I would like to visit Rochester to see his entire life work, which he donated several years ago.

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