December 09, 2012

Let's go sailing the winter sea

Finally finished this cardigan.  It took me about a month but it was a month well spent.  I used Jamieson & Smith's Shetland Alan yarn - deep blue with a hint of green - which tiny bits of wool was hurting my eyes sometimes, but I am in love with the material nevertheless.
I found these dead-stock french buttons at a tiny shop selling kids' imported clothes.  ボタンはインポートの子供服専門店(国立駅付近)にふらっと立ち寄って見つけた、フランスのデッドストックもの。一目で気に入って。

My new project is this fair isle cardigan.  I was going to knit a bulky cardie, and I probably will, but I also wanted to get started with some intensive color-work.

Lastly, Tokuko and I visited Cassie's new yarn shop the other day.  These Cascade 128 was my souvenir yarn. I have been meaning to knit a simple raglan pullover, but we'll see. それから、先日お友達のCassieが府中にオープンした糸屋さん、Hitsujidamaに行ってきました。楽しかった!すごく素敵なお店なので、機会があれば是非訪ねてみてくださいね。下は、訪問記念に買ったバルキーヤーンです。

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