February 10, 2012

今日の気になるもの Antenna 2/10

I had a very sleepy meeting this afternoon.  I was thinking about the conditions of our team members, half dreaming, and came up with this chart.  I thought it was brilliant... but obviously, it was only me.
It reminds me of a gene table from a biology class - like this one:

Um, OK, grosse. A bit.
Back in high school, our biology teacher forced us to do an experiment with fruit flies.  We thought it was a very common task in high school biology course.  To this day, I have never met anyone who went though this comical and sometimes fun ordeal except my classmates.  Yes, basically we observed flies for 3 generations, starting a couple like the above.  In just a few weeks, at the 3rd generation, we get about 200 flies in a glass bottle.  We made them faint, and checked how many of them fall into each box like the above.
Anyway, the extremely long-lasting benefits of this 2 month of a dedicated exercise are, first of all, you feel somewhat attached to fruit flies.   In some occasions, you are tempted to name some of them.  And at the same time, when you see a diamond shape, you imagine this gene table.

Today, I watched Dr. Brene Brown's lecture at TED like 5 times.  Today was not the first time, I'd watched it many times before.  I think I may have introduced it in this blog long time ago.
Somehow, today I needed someone to tell me to embrace my vulnerability and that I should be courageous.  She says, the word "courage" originally meant "to tell your story to someone whole-heartedly."
今日朝から5回くらい観てます、TEDにおけるBrene Brownさんのレクチャー。自分の弱いところをさらけ出すこと(Vulnerableって日本語で言ったらそういうことかな?)について。随分前にもこのブログで紹介したと思うけど、なんとなく今日観たくなりました。

Last of all, this elementary book on architecture, written in Japanese.  The title says "A textbook of the world's most beautiful architectural design."  I shows you some elements of designs of masters like Le Corbusier or Wright.
What was surprising and disappointing to me was that, after all these years, the book started with the forms of the building mass.  It ended with interior design.  Nothing has changed in the mind of Japanese architects?
Beautiful buildings, beautiful cities - they look beautiful because of the landscape, their settings, because of the way the nature engulf them.  Of course, there are extremely well crafted details.  But those come after the beauty of their surroundings.

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