February 19, 2012


English text follows.






Right now, I am preparing to launch a magazine with a friend I met over Twitter (hard to believe, but it's true). Happy to announce that we can disclose the details soon!

But today's topic is not the magazine, but being an Otaku (being obsessive on something?). Talking with the friend yesterday, I discovered how unbelievably knowledgeable I became about knitting, yarn, wool, techniques, and people, in just a few years of my knitting career. Yes, I am that type.

This morning I was giving a few pieces of advice to my journalist friend who is writing an article on architecture in Tokyo. I realized I am pretty much Otaku in architecture as well. I spent 2 years being an editor at one of the most respected architectural journal (if I say "in the world", I don't think it's an overstatement), while dating a soon-to-be architect. It was a life of "architecture" from morning till in my dreams. While we only published a dozen project per month, we reviewed several dozen publications, tons of proposals from around the world, visited their offices, so the amount of info was enormous. I wish I had studied the theory and history more... I have a faint dream to go back to school and study the history one day.
Although I didn't choose to stay in the business, I still love architecture and I think I have an eye to judge what works and what doesn't.

That kind of a girl, I am. And I also love similar type of people - the ones who are really into something, try & error a lot, become super-knowledge about something, and talk about them passionately. I love to read about those people, and one day, I want to write about those people myself.

(Unfortunately, I cannot be too passionate about insurance... when I discuss about new business ideas and articles, I've got tons of marketing ideas, but not when I think about insurance. I needed a different type of career...)

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