August 01, 2012


The boy's T-shirts says "I'm off to a road trip...please don't look for me."  Exactly how I feel right now.

It's not that I want to abandon everything and hide away.  It's just it's so hot out there, and I'm so busy at work and with amirisu.  I wish I could take a loooong vacation from work and go to someplace cool to concentrate on our magazine.


(1) Twitter始めました。順調にFollowerさんも増えているかな?
(2) ニュースレター開始しました。昨晩第1号を送信。あー、緊張した!ウェブサイトから登録できます。次号は2週間後です。
(3) 創刊記念パーティーやることになりました。協賛企業、鋭意募集中です(ってさっきそういう話になったんですけど。。。)
(4) 創刊号の広告主様、こちらも鋭意募集中!本当はご案内資料も完成しているのですが、まだアナウンスとか出来ていません。。。やることリストに追加。もしご興味があればメール、コメント下さいね。


The launch date for amirisu has been finalized.  We've got exactly one month!
Today after work, we had another editorial meeting, and were daunted by the fact that there are still so much to do.  And things are increasingly getting bigger and out of our hand.

For those of you not particularly following our magazine's progress, here are some recent happenings:
(1) We have a Twitter account now, and have about 100 followers already ;)
(2) Our very first newsletter went out last night.  The 2nd one will be out in 2 weeks, so please sign-up before that if you are interested.
(3) We, of all things, have decided to throw an opening party in early September.  And we are looking for lovely sponsor companies :)
(4) And as a matter of fact, we've got a media kit for advertisers ready. It's just we haven't been able to do the announcement yet.  If you are interested, please do let me know!

So, all in all, I really want to go on a road trip...

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