June 06, 2012

Venus Crossing

I heard in the morning news that the Venus is crossing the surface of the sun, right now, and it only happens every 100 years or so. The next chance is going to be 105 years later.

I am a Taurus, and the Venus seems to always affect my fate (well, if I pretend to believe in Astrology, that is). This once-in-a-hundred-year happening with the Venus should mean something to me. What big change or event coming upon me? I haven't a slightest idea.

This and past week, I have had very little time because of 3 reasons:
(1) this week, I have dinners and events all evenings that I hardly can do anything after work. during the day, I go back and forth btw 2 offices, while reading 3 books at a time.
(2) I joined a KAL (knit-along) organized/designed by kitman, a very talented knit designer, with other Ravelry people. Which means, I knit and knit and knit to catch up with everyone else.
(3) I watched the whole season 1 of Game of Thrones. I watched it in 3 days. I bought the book more than a year ago, but could not finish the first chapter until I watched the show. Now I am very motivated to read the entire series of books.

I am trying to re-organize my life.

I am designing pages for amirisu now. I am going to redesign my website soon. I am probably going to rent an office space for my own. I am traveling to Italy twice this year.

Right now, I have no idea where things are taking me. Just go with the flow?



(2)先週末からkitmanがオーガナイズしているKAL(knit-along)に参加しています。 Ravelry 上でオーガナイズされているもの。置いてかれないように、頑張って編んでます。上級、というだけあって、本当に本当にややこしいです。最初死ぬかと思った。
(3)そして、Game of ThronesのDVDが届いたので見始めました。3日で観破。昨晩はディナーから帰宅した後、12時くらいにフィナーレを観て大泣き。
「これまで観たドラマの中で最高の出来!」という海外からのコメントを見て期待はしていましたが、本当に素晴らしいです。アメリカのテレビ局って1年に1度くらい、凄くお金をかけたスペクタクルものを制作していて、RomeだとかHelen of Troyだとか過去にもあったけれど、原作の質が違うのか、今回は桁違いだと思う。本で続きを全部読んじゃいそうな予感。





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