November 03, 2010


My accomplishments today:
(1) Finished watching all of Grey's Anatomy 6th season DVD - despite my DVD player broken down along the way.
(2) Finished a blue sweater which I had been working on for more than a year.
(3) My apartment is becoming less of a mess.  I only have to do something about the books now.

(1) Grey's Anatomyをシーズン6まで見終わったこと。途中でDVDプレーヤーが壊れたけど、なんとか頑張った。でもImport DVDがもうコンピューターでしか見られないのがショック。
(2) 1年以上前から編んでいた青いセーターを編み終わった
(3) 部屋が段々片付いてきて、あとは本をなんとかするだけになった。友達に「図書館に寄付したら」と薦められる。良いかもしれない。図書館から本を何冊も貰ったから、恩返しをいつかしなきゃ。

I am catching cold, my condition is sliding down, my hands are cold, my back and neck hurts.  But I've got to hang in there, 2 more days to go this week, and I have to be better before next Saturday so that I can go watch a movie with my friend.

My decision today:
(1) I need to start writing more.  And I have to find another place to write than this blog, otherwise nobody will come back to check out this place.
(2) I will get a large stainless bowl for baking.  I decided to become a semi-professional baker.
(3) I will start my own Life List. Kelly, thank you for the inspiration.

(1) もっと沢山文章を書くこと。ブログに書くと大変なので、750 Wordsというサイトを試してみようかと。
(2) 大きくて深いステンレスのボールを買うこと、今持っているのは小さすぎるから。パンやお菓子をもっと沢山焼こうと決めました。フレンチは作れないかもしれないけど、生地を捏ねたりするのは得意だから。スコーンとか、高校のときはクロテッドクリームを買うことが出来なかったけど、今は近所のスーパーに売っているし。
(3) Life Listを始めること。


Anonymous said...

Oh Meri - I LOVE your life list. So many places you will see (I really have to work on my passport - I think it might have one stamp in it).

There are some wonderful online photography courses if you're interested in going that way - I took one on My Creative Classroom that was very inexpensive and really taught me alot!

Meri said...

Kelly, thank you! You truly inspired me.
I know how you feel. I just renewed my 10-year-old passport in August, so I lost all those stamps that I collected over the years. Now I have only one.

I will check out the course you suggested. Thanks again!