September 10, 2012

Anntena 今日の気になるもの 9/10

Some of you might know that papercutting is one of my things, although I kind of gave up on that hobby, working full time and knitting and all that.
Still, I have this book on my desk at work, and occasionally flip through it when I need some fresh air.

One of my favorites in this book is Cindy Ferguson.  I wanted to see more of her work, and found her Scherenschnitte blog.  Totally loved it.  It is a must see site, if you like graphic design and paper crafts.

What I love about it the most, is of course, the squirrels in the blog title.  So cute. You can also download many of her designs and cut them out yourself.

I wish I can commission her to create an amirisu Scherenschnitte in exchange of a handknitted hat.


この本の中で、特に気に入っているアーティストの一人がCindy Fergusonという人。他の作品が見たくなって検索してみて、彼女のブログを見つけました。 それが素敵なのさ。


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