March 22, 2012

SAW's First Online Course オンラインコース、始まります

Squam Art Workshop is launching an online course - Abundant*Wild*Life!
If you are curious about Squam but not quite ready to fly all the way to New Hampshire this year, this might be a great opportunity for you.
The first of their offering ( because I believe there will be more to come) is a class by Alena Hennessy, a mixed media artist. I took her class on the first day of my last year's Fall SAW session. (here is the link to my report) She is lovely, her work is meditative and colorful, and the class was a success.  Each of us opened up a treasure box in our heart and pulled out something beautiful and spiritual.

Squam Art Workshopがオンラインコースを始めます! Abundant*Wild*Life

It's starting from April 30th for 4 weeks.  Four weeks of self discovery and soul rehabilitation.  For more details, please click the banner below!

About Alena:
Alena Hennessy is a very popular Squam teacher--she is also a highly successful license artist.   Her work has been scooped up by top companies including Target, ABC Studios, Papyrus and Urban Outfitters and her signature style has been featured in the pages of DwellSoul/Body ConnectionThe Washington PostReadyMade and Redbook-- among many other publications.

SAWでは人気の講師にして、アメリカでは成功しているアーティストの一人。彼女の作品はターゲット(デザインコンシャスな量販店)、ABCスタジオ、パピルス(Papyrus)やUrban Outfittersなどに採用されていて、また雑誌「Dwell」「ワシントンポスト」などにも紹介されています。本ももうすぐ発売の予定!


オチアイ トクコ said...


Mariko M. said...


Meri said...
